Marks & Spencer Makes More Money

B1 – Intermediate 

By 2021, Marks & Spencer (M&S) had incurred debts of about £200m. Their sales decreased by almost a third when the lockdowns during the pandemic happened.

Fast forward to 2024, we’ve heard some positive news for this clothing and homeware brand. Their profits have increased a lot.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about M&S’ growth.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “retailer”? “British retailer Marks & Spencer (M&S) saw a 58% rise in yearly profit, beating expectations.” Make your own sentence with this word.
  2. Define “margin target”. “M&S hit their margin targets early, with 4.8% in food and 10.3% in clothing and home.” Make your own sentence with this phrase.
  3. What does “market share” mean? “They aim to increase their market share by 2027/28 and are confident about the future.”  Make your own sentence with this phrase.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the things you know about M&S?
  2. What can you say about Marks & Spencer’s higher profits?
  3. What have they been doing to improve their sales?
  4. How can a company increase their market share?
  5. What has your company done to improve sales and increase market share?
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