Banning Social Media for Children Under 14

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Florida has recently approved a groundbreaking law that bans children under the age of 14 from having a social media account. This legislation aims to address concerns about the impact of social media on very young users and to promote a safer online environment for children.

Read this article and listen to the audio to learn more about this law.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of “veto”? “DeSantis vetoed that version of the bill, saying he thought it was too restrictive of parental rights.” Give a synonym of the word “veto” and make a sentence with it.
  2. What does “to leave it up to someone” mean? “The new law leaves it up to parents to decide whether their 16- and 17-year-olds can sign up for social media accounts.” Make a sentence with this expression.
  3. Define “strike down”. “DeSantis noted that another bill he signed into law two years ago was recently struck down by a federal appeals court.” Use this in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on Florida’s new legislation prohibiting social media use for children under 14? Do you think this kind of bill is need in your country? Expound.
  2. Do you believe this law will effectively protect children from the dangers of social media? Explain.
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Parents – not the government – should be the ones to decide which restrictions are best for their child.”.
  4. How could this law impact the way children interact and communicate with their peers?
  5. Do you think there are more effective ways to address the challenges social media presents to young children instead of an outright ban?
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