World’s Strangest Levies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

From blueberries to piercings, junk food to baby name approval taxes, the world is full of unusual levies that go beyond the standard income, property, and sales taxes we’re all familiar with. Imagine being taxed on the junk food you eat or the number of times you flush the toilet. These peculiar taxes not only reflect the diverse strategies of local governments but also ignite debates on their fairness and effectiveness.

Read this article to know the most unconventional taxes implemented across the globe.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to draw the purse strings tight” mean? “These and several more odd taxes might make you pause and draw the purse strings tight again.” Use this expression in a sentence.
  2. Define “eating away at something”. “It cites rising interest rates, labour costs and inflation which are all eating away at blueberry profit margins. Make a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “to face the brunt of something”? “I fear that in the not-so-distant future, lesser skilled employees will face the brunt of redundancies as their jobs are taken by robots.” Use this in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which of the levies in the article do you think are the most and least reasonable?
  2. How do you personally feel about governments using taxes to influence people’s behavior, such as with junk food taxes or carbon emission taxes?
  3. In your opinion, what are the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing a robot tax in industries that rely heavily on automation?
  4. If you could propose a new tax to address a pressing issue in your country or community, what would it target and why?
  5. Should taxes be used as a tool to address environmental issues, such as reducing carbon emissions or promoting sustainable practices? Why or why not?
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