24-Hour Cities

B2 – Upper Intermediate 

New York is dubbed as “The City that Never Sleeps”. But apparently, The Big Apple isn’t the only one and there are many more that are striving to become one as well.

About 100 cities in the world are called 24-hour cities. This means bustling nightlife where there are more places open all throughout the night.

It is believed that having a 24-hour city can help with a city’s economic growth. However, despite some benefits, it is still faces a deal of skepticism from people. 

Read the article to know more about the pros and cons of 24-hour cities.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to home in on something” mean? “Yet a growing number of cities around the world are increasingly homing in on ways to strengthen their night-time economy.” Use the phrase in your own sentence.
  2. What is a “reveller”? “But not everyone is supportive of the change: “We don’t have enough security for it,” says one concerned reveller.” Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “up all night” mean? “But most of those cities, including London, Sydney, and Sinatra’s beloved New York, are not up all night.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your thoughts on 24-hour cities. Talk about its benefits and the problems you see with it.
  2. Is your city one? Do you feel about that? If it isn’t yet, how would you feel about it becoming one?
  3. What do you think about a city’s 24-hour drinking zone?
  4. What are ways for cities to strengthen their night-time economy?
  5. What are your thoughts on night mayor or night czar’s job?
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2 replies on “24-Hour Cities”

Vocabulary Questions:
1.“to home in on something”: to focus on something, or to get close to something. “The scientist is homing in on a breakthrough in cancer research.”
2.“reveller”: someone who is partying. “Yesterday I saw several revellers at the bars and pubs of the main street.”
3.“up all night” : to be awake during all night. “The episode scared me so much that I was up all night.”

Discussion Questions:
1. Share your thoughts on 24-hour cities. Talk about its benefits and the problems you see with it.
24-hour cities is a complicated issue. Being for or against depens on each person’s point of view. In my opinion is something that can bring to the table more inconvinients that benefits. Of course it can increase the revenue of the night life business, but at what price? Neighbours of 24-hour cities have the right to rest, and we all know that the night-life can attract problems to our cities.

2. Is your city one? Do you feel about that? If it isn’t yet, how would you feel about it becoming one?
My city is not a 24-hour city, and I am grateful that it doesn’t, because if my city becomes a city with a non-stop night-life, I think that it will become a nightmare for the locals, and a themepark for the tourists.

3. What do you think about a city’s 24-hour drinking zone?
In case that a city decides to implement a 24-hour drinking zone, I think that this measure should be complemented with other actions, as for example: increasing the night vigilance, having a strict law about the alcohol consumption in public spaces, etc.

4. What are ways for cities to strengthen their night-time economy?
I am against of strengthening the night-time economy, but in case that I should name ways to do it, I think that making clear laws about what can be done, where can it be done, and who can done it should guarantee a responsible growth in night-life economy.

5. What are your thoughts on night mayor or night czar’s job?
I believe that it is a necessary position because nowadays the night-life represents a big portion of the cities revenue, so there is a need for someone that can regulate this and is in charge in case of problems.

Nice to hear your opinion about the 24-hour cities.

Take note how this sentence can be written a bit better:

I believe that it is a necessary position because nowadays the night-life represents a big portion of the cities revenue, so there is a need for someone that can regulate this and is in charge in case of problems.

I believe that it is a necessary position because nowadays, the night-life represents a big portion of the cities’ revenues. So, there is a need for someone who can regulate this and is in-charge in case of problems.

Keep up the good job in practicing your writing skills!

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