B2 – Upper Intermediate
The increasing demand for non-alcoholic beer is driven by a focus on health and mindful drinking. With advancements in brewing, both major and craft breweries now offer better-tasting options, making it a popular choice for social settings. As wellness trends continue to shape the market, non-alcoholic beer is redefining the way people approach beer consumption.
Watch the video to learn more and be able to answer the questions below.
Vocabulary Questions:
- What does the phrase “to get the ball rolling” mean? “We like to think that Athletic [Brewing Company] really got the ball rolling in this space. Non-alcoholic craft beer has been the fastest growing category in beer for four plus years now.” Use the expression in a sentence.
- What does “zebra striping” mean? “So the trend of “zebra striping” where people drink alcohol, non-alcohol, alcohol, non-alcohol throughout the night to pace out their session, moderate their ABV intake has become increasingly common.” Use the term in a sentence.
- What does “to find one’s footing” mean? “Non-alcoholic beer is still finding its footing in the US.” Use the idiom in a sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- Do you think non-alcoholic beer can ever fully replace traditional beer in social settings? Why or why not?
- Is the rise of non-alcoholic beer a passing trend, or do you believe it represents a long-term shift in consumer habits? Explain.
- Do you think non-alcoholic beer should be marketed differently than regular beer? If so, how?
- What factors do you think have contributed the most to the growing popularity of non-alcoholic beer?
- Would you be interested in having non-alcoholic beer? Why or why not?
- Have you ever done “zebra striping” at an occasion? Why did you do it? If not yet, why haven’t you done it?
- “You don’t always have to have alcohol to have fun.” Do you agree or disagree?