A Teen’s First Look at Color

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Color. It’s something most of us don’t even give a second thought to. But really, how differently we might experience the world around us if we were unable to perceive its rich hues.

Watch the video below and join a young man and his friends as they celebrate a momentous event in his life.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is color? In what ways would we be disadvantaged if we couldn’t accurately see colors?
  2. Think of a memory that stands out for you. What dominant colors do you recall from this page in your personal history?
  3. What is your favorite color? Why do you like it?
  4. Aside from color perception, what other things do we humans usually take for granted?
  5. What does it mean when we say a person uses colorful language, or that he or she has a colorful past? What about if that person is a colorful character?
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