Same Charger for All Devices

B1 – Intermediate

These days, everyone is very dependent on gadgets like smartphones, tablets, cameras, etc. You normally need a different charger for every different device. 

The European Union wants to pass a law so charger ports will be the same for all our devices. This law is also an attempt at reducing electronic wastes.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about the new EU law for universal charger for all devices.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this new EU law?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the same charger for all your gadgets?
  3. What other things can we do to reduce e-waste?
  4. Apple strongly opposes this law saying it is a restrain on innovation. Do you agree or disagree with Apple on this? Why?
  5. Among all your gadgets, which one is your favorite and why?
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2 replies on “Same Charger for All Devices”

1. What are your thoughts on this new EU law?
I think it is a good idea because you can reduce the electronic waste which is something very important to the environment.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the same charger for all your gadgets?
I only see advantages of having a universal charger
3. What other things can we do to reduce e-waste?
Responsible electronic consumption.
4. Apple strongly opposes this law saying it is a restrain on innovation. Do you agree or disagree with Apple on this? Why?
I disagree with it because I think that every company should support environment.
5. Among all your gadgets, which one is your favorite and why
Definitely my computer because a computer is more powerful than a cell phone. With a cell phone you can have more limitations.

Getting better and better. Keep going with your writing exercises!

Here is a sentence you can write a little better:

I disagree with it because I think that every company should support environment.

I disagree with it because I think that every company should protect the environment.

or I disagree with it because I think that every company should support advocacies to help preserve the environment.

Happy writing!

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