Man Collects Old Apple Devices

B1 – Intermediate

Everyone has that one thing they love so much. Sometimes, they even collect them. There are many reasons for someone to collect something.

Jimmy Grewal collects old Apple devices and accessories.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about Jimmy Grewal’s Apple products collection.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of this man’s obsession with Apple products?
  2. What are all the Apple products you have owned?
  3. What is something that reminds you of your childhood and why?
  4. What is something that you wanted as a child but you couldn’t have it and when you became older, you got or bought it? Why do you want this thing so much? How did you feel finally having it?
  5. Is there something you collect? Why do you collect this thing? Talk about your own collection.
  6. What are reasons people collect things?
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