Getting Married

B1 – Intermediate

Marriage is a serious commitment that should not be made lightly.
Take the time to make sure you and your partner are on the same page by talking about some key issues, checklists, and things to keep in mind as you explore marriage.

Let’s have a look at the transcript and hear the audio about getting married.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think there is anything scary about marriage?
  2. Is marriage different today than it was a hundred years ago? Explain.
  3. Are there any rules to marriage? Name some that you know of.
  4. What would the world be like if there was no marriage?
  5. What is important in a marriage?
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2 replies on “Getting Married”

*I am married, and I think it has good moments and bad moments. But in general it is positive. The best my daughters. The bad ones, when you get angry with your partner, but then there is the reconciliation.
* Totally different. Today men and women are more equal in marriage. Especially in housework. Before, women in marriage did not work, they only took care of the house and the children. Many times their husbands would not permit them work.
* The fundamental rule is trust in the other person and respect.
* happier, hahahaha. I think it would be much more boring.

Good that you are staying consistent with your writing practice.

This is how you can write this answer a bit better:

The best my daughters. The bad ones, when you get angry with your partner, but then there is the reconciliation.

The best part of being married is having my daughters. The bad thing about it is when you get into arguments with your partner, but then there is always a way to reconcile the.

Just continue with this exercise to see improvements in your skills in no time.

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