Superhero Films Encourage Prosocial Behavior

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Superhero movies are hugely popular and often mix action and violence with heroic deeds. While violent media is usually thought to make people more aggressive, a new study suggests that these films could actually inspire kindness. The research shows that when people see superheroes as good role models, they’re more likely to help others. Watching these films can make viewers feel closer to the heroes, which can lead to more generous actions.

This article explores how superhero movies can encourage helpful behavior, not just provide entertainment.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. What does the phrase “associative empathy” mean in the sentence, “Viewers showed increased associative empathy — they identified more with Batman and his mission to save the hostage.”? Use it in a sentence.

2. What does the phrase “moral justification” mean in the sentence, “Participants were asked to evaluate whether the violent actions taken by Batman were justified using a series of moral justification statements”? Use it in a sentence.

3. What does the phrase “prosocial motive” mean in the sentence, “This scene was chosen for its combination of violent action and a clear prosocial motive—saving a life”? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you think superhero movies influence how we see right and wrong in real life?
  2. What should parents and teachers consider when letting kids watch violent superhero films?
  3. Should filmmakers think more about the messages in their movies when it comes to violence and heroism?
  4. How can watching superhero movies help us understand and feel empathy for others?
  5. Can you share a superhero movie you’ve seen and how it influenced your thoughts or feelings?
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