Boot Camps for Internet Addicts

B1 – Intermediate

Internet addiction is one very common problem among teenagers these days. In China, one way to combat this addiction is to take children to a boot camp.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on a boot camp for internet addicts.

Discussion Questions:

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?

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23 replies on “Boot Camps for Internet Addicts”

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?.
Currently, I usually spend about 3 hours a day surfing the internet, but I usually use it to develop skills like learning English or other topics of interest to me, like watching the news.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?.
If my job depends entirely on the internet, then I work with a computer.
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?.
Of course, I consider internet addiction a disease like any other addiction. I think it’s a big problem in our society, especially for future generations, children, and young people, because their minds aren’t prepared to view certain content and internet games.
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?.
Well, addiction can be prevented by establishing healthy habits. Set time limits.
Practice self-discipline and self-care, and avoid using devices in bed and at the table during meals.

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?

Every day I spend approximately ten hours surfing the internet, which are divided into eight work hours and two leisure hours.

2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?

Yes, I am a data analyst and I need the internet to work, so I use the internet during my whole work day.

3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?

I think that internet addiction can cause damage to our health like any other addiction so I could consider internet addiction a disease, I think that it could be considered a behavioral addiction or a mental health disorder

4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?

I think that there are several ways to prevent internet addiction, such as set usage limits by establishing clear guidelines for screen time and online activities and encourage a balance between online and offline activities, such as physical exercise, hobbies and social interactions.

Great work with your responses!

Here are a few adjustments you can make in this sentence:

I think that there are several ways to prevent internet addiction, such as set usage limits by establishing clear guidelines for screen time and online activities and encourage a balance between online and offline activities, such as physical exercise, hobbies and social interactions.

I think that there are several ways to prevent internet addiction, such as setting usage limits by establishing clear guidelines for screen time and online activities and encouraging a balance between online and offline activities, such as like physical exercise, hobbies, and social interactions.

Keep up the good job.

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
I spend the time that I need to locate the professional information that I need, some days it may be five minutes and others may be one hour. I don’t usually spend surfing wihtout a clear objetive and with a limit of spending time.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
Yes, at work, I am highly dependent on the internet because I have to connect with database servers and I have several meetings a day.
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
Well, I think probably internet addiction is a disease, It may trigger need and doing necessary a medical treatment.
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?
I think the ways you can prevent internet addiction are educational ways, advertising campaigns, definitely educational methods.

You are doing a good job trying to improve your writing so far.

Here is a sentence you can revise:

Well, I think probably internet addiction is a disease, It may trigger need and doing necessary a medical treatment.

Well, I think internet addiction is probably a disease. It may could be triggered need and doing it might be necessary to get a medical treatment.

Remember: the more you practice, the better you become at something.

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
When I am working I spend 8 hours, but in my free time I spend, more or less, 1 hour.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
Yes, I depend on the internet a lot because I am computer engineer.
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
Yes, I would consider internet addiction as a disease. I think people are addicted just like other drugs.
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?
As in other addictions, I think it is necessary to avoid excessive use of internet.

Well done continuing with this exercise.

Take a look at a few minor revisions you can make in these sentences:

When I am working I spend 8 hours, but in my free time I spend, more or less, 1 hour.

When I am working, I spend 8 hours, but in my free time, I spend, more or less, 1 hour.

Yes, I depend on the internet a lot because I am computer engineer.

Yes, I depend on the internet a lot because I am a computer engineer.

In addition, perhaps you can also state the things you use the internet for to be able to do your job.
Try to always be as elaborate as possible in your answers so you can express yourself better.

1. Maybe I surfing 5-6 hours for day in internet. For my job and after for searching idees for play the kids, buying for home, clothes,….
2. Yes, maybe not surfing in diferents webs but in our web yes.
3. Totally, Internet is the drug of the present and the future. With internet you can do all… and this is very dangerous.
4. Education. It’s important that the kids undersantd that internet is a wonderfull windows to the world but too, a dangerous place with millions inputs positive and negative, and they should can dosificate the use for not use internet and not using like a alternative to the real world.

Keep going with this exercise. You are doing a good job improving your writing skills so far.

Take a look at the proper word order and structure of this sentence:

Maybe I surfing 5-6 hours for day in internet.

I spend about 5-6 hours a day surfing the internet.

Here’s to more improvement in your skills!

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
I usually spend more than 4 hours surfin the internet, i like to watch videos from youtube.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
Al work i´m really highly dependent on the internet because i used for giving me ideas of how to improve teams by retrospectives.
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
I would consider internet addiction as a disease in some cases where people can´t stay away from it or if you used all day long, forgetting the interacción with your family or friends, real friends from flesh and bones.
4. What are the ways you can prevent internet addiction?
We can prevent internet addiction by giving people motivation for doing activities with real people, by giving them the confidense to stay away from your computer or cellphone.

Great job with your writing practice! Keep on it!

Here is a sentence you can rewrite to improve:

We can prevent internet addiction by giving people motivation for doing activities with real people, by giving them the confidense to stay away from your computer or cellphone.

We can prevent internet addiction by giving people some motivation to do activities with real people and giving them the confidence to stay away from their computers or cellphones.

Here’s to more entries from you!

Most of the time I spend on Internet is for work as my job requires Internet connection the 70-80% of the time. In my free time, I must spend maximum 3 hours per day, especially chatting by WhatsApp or checking Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter. Moreover, on weekends I use my phone only to check quickly the social network.

I don’t like abusing of the technology in my free time. I’m not used to watch Netflix, neither I’m posting everything I do in social networks.

I agree Internet addiction can be considered a disorder. In my opinion, Internet steals quality of time, especially when we’re accompanied by someone else. However, it takes part of our everyday and I don’t believe it will reduce the time that persons spend in Internet (perhaps only with the passage of time, with age). Moreover, it is my understanding that Internet abuse affects neurons.

I think that the unique way to prevent Internet abuse is educating children and avoiding giving them tablets or mobile phones when they’re bored, boosting their creativity to invent other forms to spend time when they don’t know what to do. I think that forbidding or limiting the use of Internet in a social level is something unrealistic and impossible.

You did quite a very good job with your answers. Do go on with it!

Here is just one thing you can improve a bit:

I think that the unique way to prevent Internet abuse is educating children and avoiding giving them tablets or mobile phones when they’re bored, boosting their creativity to invent other forms to spend time when they don’t know what to do.

I think that the best/only way to prevent internet addiction is to educate children and avoid giving them tablets or mobile phones when they’re bored. Also try boosting their creativity to come up with other ways to entertain themselves when they don’t know what to do with their time.

Practice only makes your skills better and stronger so keep on doing it.

*I do not use the internet on a daily basis unless it is for work. At most I am half an hour, the day I am more is an hour.
* Only in some cases, due to a query from an official bulletin that I have to look at.
* like any other addiction, although I consider that it is not as aggressive.
* Putting a lock, like the one put on children. I do not think it is necessary to enter anyone in a specialized center. Only in extreme cases and with the help of a psychologist.

You did your best in writing your responses.

Take a look at the correct way of writing this sentence:

At most I am half an hour, the day I am more is an hour.

Most of the time, I use the internet for only half an hour. The maximum time I spend being online is an hour.

Keep working on improving your writing skills by consistently practicing.

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the internet?
As hobby 1 hour maybe the weekend I can surfing a little more but not much more
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the internet?
Yes, I depende a lot of internet for my work especially since I work at home. When I was in the office not as much as now
3. Would you consider internet addiction as a disease?
Yes, is a problem very serious especially among the teenagers, they spend a lot of time on social media and parents, because they spend a lot of time at work, do not realize what a problem of this is
4. What are the ways you can prevent Internet addiction?
Looking for hobbies that are not related to computers.

We need be more pending of our children exist tools as “Parental control” but we have what controller the time that our children spend witch internet

There are more games for our children, like we used to play in the street with friends and at home we play games with them so they can think and see that there are more things apart from the internet

Good to see you really working on your writing skills. Your efforts are much appreciated.

See how this sentence can be written a bit better:

Yes, is a problem very serious especially among the teenagers, they spend a lot of time on social media and parents, because they spend a lot of time at work, do not realize what a problem of this is

Yes, it is a very serious problem especially among the teenagers. They spend a lot of time on social media and because their parents spend a lot of time at work, they do not realize how big of a problem of this is.

Good job but keep on going with your writing practice.

1.How many hours do you usually spend surfing the Internet?
I spend many hours on the internet due to my job. But except from that, I spend 2-3 hours daily surfing the internet
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the Internet?
Absolutely, I’m totally connected to the internet and I can’t work without it.
3. Would you consider Internet addiction as a disease?
Yes, specially with young people.
4. What are the ways you can prevent Internet addiction?
I think a way to prevent Internet addiction could be parental controls and also education at school

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! You did well on your first entry. Keep it up!

Please see how you can write this sentence a bit better:

But except from that, I spend 2-3 hours daily surfing the internet

But aside from that, I only spend 2-3 hours surfing the internet daily.

Feel free to keep using this exercise to further develop your writing skills. To more entries from you!

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the Internet?
I spend many hours with the computer and surfing the Internet because my job requires it, to solve daily problems and to be able to continue training.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the Internet?
Yes, it is essential.
3. Would you consider Internet addiction as a disease?
Yes, it is a disease equivalent to addiction to gambling and drug addiction.
4. What are the ways you can prevent Internet addiction?
Looking for hobbies that are not related to computers.

Well done answering this lesson’s questions.

See how you can improve this sentence a bit.

Yes, it is a disease equivalent to addiction to gambling and drug addiction.
Yes, it is a disease that is equivalent to addiction which is very much like gambling and drug addiction.

1. How many hours do you usually spend surfing the Internet?
I usually spend less than two hours on week days, but that number may double at weekends.
2. At work, are you highly dependent on the Internet?
I work in IT so I am 100% dependent on the Internet, these days more than ever. But if the question is if I need to surf the Internet to get information for my job tasks, the answer would be not to much really.
3. Would you consider Internet addiction as a disease?
I think it’s like any other addiction and it can cause damage to our health, so yes.
4. What are the ways you can prevent Internet addiction?
It’s very difficult to prevent an addiction to something we all carry in our pockets the whole day, but I think a good way could be to practise some sports or having hobbies that requires interacting face to face with other people.

Well done expressing your thoughts.

Here is how this phrase can be improved:

… but I think a good way could be to practise some sports or having hobbies that requires interacting face to face with other people.
… but I think a good way could be to practise some sports or have hobbies that require interacting face to face with other people.

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