Stay Healthy by Eating Raw Chocolate

B1 – Intermediate

Health experts believe that sugar in chocolates is unhealthy. However, doctors say that there are also some benefits to eating chocolates.

This VOA news clip discusses the good effects of chocolates to your body.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the good and bad effects of eating chocolates?
  2. Do you think eating chocolate is good for your health?
  3. Do you enjoy eating chocolates? If yes, what kinds of chocolate do you prefer?

From Couch Potato To Cabin Fever

B1 – Intermediate

We all have different ways we like spending our downtimes. Some people would rather enjoy much of their free time hanging out at home.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about different expressions related to house/home.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about being a couch potato?
  2. What are other alternatives to being a couch potato?
  3. How do you cope with cabin fever especially in winter?
  4. How might becoming an empty nester feel like for parents?
  5. How can older parents deal when their kids leave the nest?