Think Yourself Rich!

 C1 – Advanced

In 1937, the book “Think and Grow Rich” was a big hit. Everybody wanted to be rich and the book gave tips on how to be so. Could it still be practical today? Read the article and express your thoughts about it.

Be ready to explain the different idiomatic expressions used in the article. Feel free to listen to the audio clip as well.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does the expression “Money is the root of all evil” mean?
2. How would you explain the phrase “Money makes the world go round”?
3. Do you consider yourself thrifty or a spendthrift?
4. What are the ways in which we can save money?

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2 replies on “Think Yourself Rich!”

1. What does the expression “Money is the root of all evil” mean?

According to this saying, all immorality and wickedness are caused by money. Greed is the cause of society’s problems in general. Money is not the most important thing in life.

2. How would you explain the phrase “Money makes the world go round”?

The expression means that money is one of the essential things in life, a lot of events could not happen without it, money solves lots of problems (but not all of them). Money is vital to creating a good quality of life

3. Do you consider yourself thrifty or a spendthrift?

While thrifty refers to being economical with money, spendthrift means the exact opposite. I think I’m neither spendthrift nor thrifty. It depends on the moment. To be honest with you maybe I’m thriftier (saver) than spendthrift (spender).

4. What are the ways in which we can save money?

According to the article, in the U.s there are different ways to save money. That includes banks, credit unions and through a money market fund. For me, it’s interesting the option to place the money in short-term products because you can use it in case if you need it. In my country, the main product people in general have is a pension plan but the problem is you can´t use it until you’re retired.

It is very easy to see that you are exerting a lot of efforts in doing your writing homework. Excellent work every time!

Please consider these minor corrections:

Money is vital in creating a good quality of life.
To be honest with you maybe I’m more a saver than a spendthrift.

Thanks again for a job well done.

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