Quiet Quitting the Next Phase of the Great Resignation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

After the big changes in the job market caused by the Great Resignation, there’s a new thing called ‘Quiet Quitting’ that’s changing how people leave their jobs. Instead of making a big fuss, more and more workers are leaving quietly. This shows that people are thinking more about what really matters to them in their careers.

Watch the video and know why people are leaving quietly and what it means for how people think about work nowadays.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “quiet quitting” mean? “Quiet quitting is a trend that has been dominating social media especially TikTok.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “to go above and beyond” mean? “Quiet quitting is referring to a situation where employees are making a choice to not necessarily go above and beyond what they’re being asked to do.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does ” to stay under the radar” mean? “They are not giving their all anymore, they just stay under the radar.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think quiet quitting is a legitimate response to dissatisfaction with work or is it an irresponsible way of handling professional relationships? Why?
  2. In your opinion, what factors contribute to the increasing prevalence of quiet quitting in the context of the Great Resignation?
  3. What are some potential consequences of engaging in quiet quitting for both the individual and the organization they are leaving?
  4. What strategies can organizations employ to prevent or address the phenomenon of quiet quitting among their employees?
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