India Removes 287 Laws

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The Indian government decides to dismiss laws that date back to the 19th century, when India was under British rule. The law minister is doing a clean up of India’s legal system and described some of the laws as bizarre and outdated.

Discussion Questions:

1. Give your opinion about India’s move in removing obsolete laws.
2. Are there laws in your country that you think are laughable or you find useless?
3. What are some of the current laws you have regarding Internet use, domestic violence and other social concerns?

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2 replies on “India Removes 287 Laws”

Discussion Questions:
1. Give your opinion about India’s move in removing obsolete laws.
I think is an absolutely step forward. It’s important to review from time so time the laws in order to renew and adapt them to the current reality, specially in the latest years because of the new technology that is in constant change.

2. Are there laws in your country that you think are laughable or you find useless?
I think most of them have been reviewed, but still are some laws laughable but mostly local laws. But recently there is a case that have been so controversial because got just the opposite of their goal: The Only yes is yes law, have decremental the penalties of some rapist and women aggressor just because was poorly redacted without listen to the law experts… so sad!… a very big mistake of some politicians.
Some laughable laws are for instante the ban to put some names to your children like: Caín, Judas o Lenin.
To beg money with dogs is banned, you can beg for money alone but not with your pets because is considered like an animal abuse.

3. What are some of the current laws you have regarding Internet use, domestic violence and other social concerns?
I think we should create some new rules in order to control the access to internet site like: bet gamming, porno, alcohol, etc) … Specially the access to this sites if you are under 18 years old. And there are al lot possibilities to control that… p.e.: Electronic Identification, etc…
Also we should adapt some laws to the domestic violence in order to use some new devices to control the aggressors, etc.

Well done composing your sentences. You are doing a very good job in this exercise.

Look at better terms you can use to express this sentence:

Also we should adapt some laws to the domestic violence in order to use some new devices to control the aggressors, etc.

Also, we should enact adapt some laws to the against domestic violence in order to that would allow the use of some new devices to control the aggressors, etc abusers.

Cheers to more entries from you!

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