The Danger of Artificial Intelligence

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Scientist Stephen Hawking believes that Artificial intelligence can be a threat to human race.

Read the article below to know more about the possible consequences of artificial intelligence. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you know about artificial intelligence?
2. Do you believe this famous scientist’s
3. How have robots helped us in the past 15 years?
4. In your opinion, what are some jobs that only people can do?

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2 replies on “The Danger of Artificial Intelligence”

AI has been during the last years a reality that could help a lot to many businesses allowing incredibles improvements added to some of their processes.
Robots are created to help, it means some works are going to disappear or to change, but not all the work. It’s all about adapting to changes.
Benefits are they can help with capabilities or speeds humans can’t have, but always with a clear focus and controlled by humans. Cons are AI can auto-evovle without control, but I think we are so far from this that we can avoid that future.
I cna only think in the amount of benefits AI can bring to medicine, health, economic decisions, etc just because of its capacity to work with tones of data that humans can’t. Finding information eas the key in the past, now is using information as we have more information/data than never before.

Very good job with your responses. Thanks for leaving your reply here.

Be a little mindful with the word order here:

AI has been during the last years a reality that could help a lot to many businesses allowing incredibles improvements added to some of their processes.

For the last years, AI has been a reality that has helped many businesses a lot, allowing incredible improvements added to some of their processes.

Keep writing to see improvements more and more.

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