Are There Hidden Truths in Dreams?

B1 – Intermediate

Would you still continue you trip or your planned activity, even if you had a bad dream about it the previous night?

Read the article below to get some information about dreaming and how it affects people.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?

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24 replies on “Are There Hidden Truths in Dreams?”

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
I don’t usually remember my dreams, but on the rare occasions I do, they tend to fade quickly after waking up.

2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
I find the interpretations of dreams fascinating, but I think they’re highly subjective. While some people see dreams as revealing hidden truths or deeper meanings, others believe they’re just random thoughts and emotions processed by the brain. It’s an interesting topic, but I’d say it depends on how much significance you personally give to your dreams.

3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
As I usually don’t remember my dreams, I can’t tell most of them, but recently I had a dream where I was working. When I woke up, it was late, and it was quite confusing because I was supposed to be at work an hour ago. The dream felt so real that, for a moment, it was hard to distinguish it from reality.

4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
No, dreams haven’t really influenced my thoughts. Even when I do remember them, they don’t tend to affect how I think or feel during the day.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic. You were able to write your answers very well.

Here are very minor revisions in the following sentences:

I don’t usually remember my dreams, but on the rare occasions I do, they tend to fade quickly after waking up.

I don’t usually remember my dreams, but on the rare occasions I do, they tend to fade quickly after waking up.

I don’t usually remember my dreams, but on the rare occasions that I do, they tend to fade quickly after waking up.

It’s an interesting topic, but I’d say it depends on how much significance you personally give to your dreams.

It’s an interesting topic, but I’d say it depends on how much significance you personally give to your dreams.

Keep up the great job!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
I’m usually don’t remember my dreams, but it’s true that when I have a strong experience in my dreams sometimes I wake uo suffering and trying to remember, after when it when I wake uo in the morning, but it’s impossible. I remember that I had a nightmare but I don’t remember what I dream
. 2.Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
I don’t believe in the interpretations of dreams. However sometime I read about the interpretations and if I wouldl want I could make a sense in my live, but it’s not a interpretation like freud saids it’s more an adaptation of things of my life

3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
I usually dream about an elevator who fall down and crash and I wake up while I’m falling. And sometimes I dream about a travel but this dream began gratefully but turn in a nightmare with the fly and the suitcase and these kind of things

4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
No really. I think that dreams are dreams and sometime thing about them, but dreams not influence on my decision after.

Welcome to the Phoneenglish blog! May this serve as a way for you to consistently practice your writing.

See how this sentence can be revised:

I think that dreams are dreams and sometime thing about them, but dreams not influence on my decision after.

I think that dreams are just dreams and sometimes, I think about them, but dreams do not influence on my decisions after.

To more entries from you!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
Yes. I dream every night and I remember my dreams when I wake up. Later I usually forget them, only the more impacting ones remain in my mind for quite long.
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
I think that dreams are the reflection of your deepest thoughts. However, I think that the interpretation of dreams is not as simple as the assignment of single meanings to different stuff or topics. I think that the context of the dreamer pay an essential role when the correct his dreams are to be interpreted.
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
When I was a child I had a recurring dream where my mother had her legs cut., I think it is the worst nightmare I have ever had. About my good dreams, I like when I dream about my plans or travels.
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
Yes. When been a teenager I remember to distance myself from a fríend because of a dream where he showed not to be kind to me.

Keep going with this writing exercise to practice consistently.

Take a look at a slightly better version of this sentence:

I think that the context of the dreamer pay an essential role when the correct his dreams are to be interpreted.

I think that the context of the dreamer plays an essential role when giving a correct interpretation of their dreams.

Good work so far!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
I´m a disaster, I don´t remenber any dream ever never.
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
The subconscious may be the explanation of “the interpretations of dreams”, the people dream with things about they are worried or wishes.
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
As i said, I don´t remember my dreams nor my nightmares, they must be horrible experiences or very bored, but some years ago, for a very little phase, I dreamed that I could fly very often, it was a good sensation.
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
May be I´m afected in my subconscious, I´m not a dreamer person.

Thank you for answering the discussion questions for this lesson. You are doing a good job but we encourage you to try writing longer responses so you can practice expressing yourself better in writing.

Here is the correct way to write this sentence:

I don´t remenber any dream ever never.

I never remember any of my dreams ever never.

Keep up the good work!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
Hardly ever I remember my dreams. I could only remember my dream if I weak up just in the moment that the o’clock alarm ring.
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
No, I don’t believe in it.
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
I have difficult to remember my nightmares, I can only remember them just in the moment that I weak up. But I could tell you that some of them could be about thievery or kidnappings of my or my family.
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
No, I have never influenced my thoughts.

Good job writing your answers. Just take a look at the proper word order in this sentence:

Hardly ever I remember my dreams.

I hardly ever remember my dreams.

Keep at it!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
No, not normally, I tend to forget them just a few minutes after waking up

2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
I don’t have enough information so I don’t have a formed opinion about it. I believe that some dreams are related to different situations that you have seen or heard or experienced at some point and that your mind reconstructs joining fractions in a different order that can lead to a story.

3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
I only remember a couple of situations, perhaps casual, and that is that before the birth of my children, in both cases I dreamed of the image of his face, but it may have been casual.

4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
consciously not. Never

No doubt, you can write well. Keep up the good work!

Take a look at some minor revisions you can make in this sentence:

I believe that some dreams are related to different situations that you have seen or heard or experienced at some point and that your mind reconstructs joining fractions in a different order that can lead to a story.

I believe that some dreams are related to different situations that you have seen, or heard, or experienced at some point and that your mind reconstructs those fragments in a different order that can lead to a story being formed.

Well done. Keep at it!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
Yes, when I was 13 years old I dreamed that my great-grandmother died and in my dream I could say goodbye to her.
This was on October of 1991, the next day, I had to travel with my school class, and before getting on the bus my mother said: your great grandmother died, I am sorry! and always I have thinking that dream prepared me, and I was sad but very calm.

2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
I don’t know, you can probably interpret dreams but I think this influences your behavior and what you are living in the moment.

3. Share some of the nightmares you have had in the past. Share some of the good ones too.

Well, it’s a very personal question. But I try to answer the better possible.

My nightmares was very recurrent, when my dougthers was little, i usually dreamed with lost them; and i was looking for everywhere and I couldn´t find them. And there was always a old women who wanted to take with her, and taked yours hands and she was go with my doughters.
The dreams were so really that I woke up crying, always.

 And a sweet dream, or a good dream. When I dream of my father.
he also died. And I like to dream about him because I talk to him, and I remember his voice and his smell; This dream is very nice to me. Because I feel like he’s still here with me.
Maybe I dream this because in my unconscious I miss him, because he died many years ago.

4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
yes, on several occasions. I think in my case it was because I was afraid of losing my daughters and I was always on the alert.
This period of my life was very stressful for me.

All your time and efforts in answering your every lesson’s discussion questions are much appreciated. Keep going with it!

Here are better ways to express the following sentences:

But I try to answer the better possible.

But I’ll try to answer as best as possible.

I don’t know, you can probably interpret dreams but I think this influences your behavior and what you are living in the moment.

I don’t know. You can probably interpret dreams. but I think they influence your behavior and what you experience at that moment.

Until your next entries!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
Yes, sometimes I can remember any of my dreams. Although I don’t remember completely.
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams? I don’t believe in the interpretations of dreams. I think dreams are our thought from the day before. Our dreams can be just a reflection to our thinking
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
A nightmare I had a long time ago is that I threw myself out of the window. The dream was very strange. I do not remember more.
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts?
I don’t remember if a dream influenced in my thoughts. Sometimes, when I wake up a remember my dreams but in 2-3 minutes I forgot it.

We would like to acknowledge your efforts in improving your writing! Good job.\\

In general, you can brush up a bit on proper usage of prepositions. In addition, see how you can make this sentence better:

I don’t remember if a dream influenced in my thoughts.

I don’t remember if a dream has ever influenced in my thoughts.

Happy writing!

1. Yes, I remember some of my dreams but only a few remain in my memory, the rest are forgotten
2. No, I believe that dreams are connected with reality that is why they occur.
4. Of course, if you are dreaming of something good all night, you will have a happier day than if you dream of something very bad. If, for example, you dream of a friend that you have not seen for a long time, it is likely that he will remind you that you have to call him.

Great job writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions!

Here is one sentence you can improve a bit:

If, for example, you dream of a friend that you have not seen for a long time, it is likely that he will remind you that you have to call him.

If, for example, you dreamed about a friend that you have not seen for a long time, it is likely that it is a reminder that you have to call him.

Keep going with your writing practice.

1. Do you remember any of your dreams? Not really. After waking up I can remember some dreams, but hours or days later, I forget almost everything.
2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams? Of course, the dreams are influenced by our fears and our experiences.
3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well. I remember a dream when I was 7 or 8 years old. After seeing Salem`s Lot, where every night a vampire boy floated in my window
4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts? Not reall. When I wake up, I am aware at that moment that it was a dream, so it stops having influence.

Thank you very much for all your efforts writing your answers.

Here is just a slightly better way to write this sentence:

Of course, the dreams are influenced by our fears and our experiences.

Of course, I believe that our dreams are influenced by our fears and our experiences.

Cheers to more entries from you!

1. Do you remember any of your dreams?
Yes, some of them are remembered by me.

2. Do you believe in the interpretations of dreams?
No, because many times you dont want to dream something and you dream it anyway.

3. Share some of the nightmares you’ve had in the past. Share some of the good ones as well.
When someone who you love has an accident (something bad happens to him)
Talking about good dreams is a repeated one: i dreamed that some day i would finish college and I would get my degree.

4. Has a dream ever influenced your thoughts
No, because I don´t believe in this kind of things. I´m not a supertitious person.

Thank you for continuously practicing your English writing skills through this page. Well done.

You can write this sentence in active voice instead of passive:

Yes, some of them are remembered by me.

Yes, I can remember some of them.

Keep going with it!

Hello Katie,
When I was young I had remembered all my dreams. I usually dreamed every day. I don’t know why I nowadays don’t happen.
I think the dreams express things that are relating with your live.
For me, when I have nightmares apears insects, like worm or spiders.

Hi and welcome to the PE blog! Glad you are doing this exercise to further improve your English skills, particularly your writing. Keep going at it!

Look at how this sentence can be revised:

When I was young I had remembered all my dreams.

When I was young, I used to remember all my dreams.

Please continue doing this in order to practice your writing skills. Go for it.

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