The Culture Shock of an International Student

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Culture shock is defined as feeling confused and anxious when you visit another country or city. It happens to everyone, even to young students who are more flexible and adaptable to a new environment.

Read the article below to know about the experience of one international student.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on and experiences studying abroad?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an international student?
  3. Have you experienced culture shock before? How did you cope with that?
  4. Share an experience you had in staying in another country. What are the things that matched with your expectations before coming to a country and which things didn’t?
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2 replies on “The Culture Shock of an International Student”

1. What are your thoughts on and experiences studying abroad?
I have never studied abroad. However, I think that it is a very good experience for young students, as it can open their minds and help them understand new cultures and different points of view.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an international student?
I think the advantages include visiting new places, meeting new people, improving your English, and many other things. On the downside, disadvantages may include being away from your loved ones, not being prepared for culture shock, and possibly feeling lost.

3. Have you experienced culture shock before? How did you cope with that?
Maybe I have, but I don’t remember it.

4. Share an experience you had staying in another country. What are the things that matched your expectations before coming to the country, and which things didn’t?
When we were in Italy, I was shocked by the transit system and how things are done. For example, in order to buy a ticket for a bus, they need three people: one person who sells the ticket, another who checks the ticket, and the bus driver.

You have written your answers well.

Here is one sentence you can revise:

On the downside, disadvantages may include being away from your loved ones, not being prepared for culture shock, and possibly feeling lost.

On The downsides disadvantages may include being away from your loved ones, not being prepared for culture shock, and possibly feeling lost.

Great work with your writing practice so far.

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