Dutch Towns Tell Tourists How to Behave

B1 – Intermediate

It is often said that tourism can either be a boon or bane to a city or country.

Seems as though this little old Dutch town’s villagers have had enough of how touristic their village is.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.
  2. Do you agree that those rules should be implemented to the tourists visiting Old Holland? Why or why not?
  3. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?
  4. What kind of bad behaviors have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?
  5. In general, what responsibilities do you think tourists have?
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21 replies on “Dutch Towns Tell Tourists How to Behave”

1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.
Old Holland is a small village which looks like a typical village where it keeps their traditional costumes and houses and the people who lives there are trying to keep a calm life far away from big cities.

2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?
The rules are not dropping litter, not photography residents without permission and not strolling into their gardens. I think that this rules are normal and probably all of us should follow it I would add some rules like not be noisy or not try to watch inside of the residents’s houses.

3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?
I think that tourists should be informed about the traditions or customs of the which will be visit. In that way, they can check what they can do it or not.

4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?
Probably their are a bit noisy and don’t respect some traditions or sculptures tooking photographies in a unrespectfull way. But I think that also it depends of kind of activities that you can do it in the city because some activities of the some cities o countries are having a party or drinking.

Well done answering your lesson’s discussion questions.

See how this sentence can be written better:

The rules are not dropping litter, not photography residents without permission and not strolling into their gardens.

The rules are to not drop litter, not photograph/not take photographs of the residents without their permission and not strolling around their gardens.

Until your next post!

1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.

Old Holland is a grate place where local residents still maintain the identity of their villages, for example, by well-preserving their famous wooden houses. However, in recent years it has become difficult to live leasurely due to the big number of tourists who come.

2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?

The rules they talked about with local tour companies are not photographing residents without permission, not strolling into their gardens and not dropping litter. I think is a great idea in order to allow local residents living with better quality life. I would add some rules, but I would have to think it carefully in order to don´t affect anyone.

3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?

Tourist have some responsabilities, such as don´t disturb local residents or don´t overcrowd the area.

4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?

In my city, which is a beach zone, the problem is that in summer there are a lot of parties and people from all Spain and other countries come here, dropping litter and making noise at night.

Well done sharing your thoughts and own experiences that are related to this lesson’s topic.

Here is a sentence you can slightly improve:

In my city, which is a beach zone, the problem is that in summer there are a lot of parties and people from all Spain and other countries come here, dropping litter and making noise at night.

In my city, which is a beach zone, the problem is that in summer, there are a lot of parties and people from all over Spain and other countries come here, dropping litters everywhere and making so much noise at night.

Keep writing!

Discussion Questions:
1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.
Old Holland is an idyllic area for living, where there are windmills everywhere and local’s life in beautifully preserved, traditional wooden houses. But, unfortunately locals have to live with a lot of tourists, having different problems with the tourists and people who visit the city such as wandering and traipsing around, or disturbing with megaphones the residents or local’s peace and rest.

2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?
The rules include not photographing residents without permission, not strolling into the gardens and not dropping litter.
I think there are a good rules with sense in order not disturb the peace of locals and I can add other ones like don’t open clubs more than 1a.m or close restaurant at 12a.m, for example at least during the week.

3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?
I think the tourist should be the responsibilities of take care of the environment, the city, the streets, the rest of the residents at night, don’t be irrespectful, be careful when the tourists go in big groups, don’t make disturbs or something like that. In sum up be careful and be conscious about their actions in every way.

4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?
In my city Sant Boi, is not common to have tourists, but they are usually respectful. The problem is in Barcelona city, I think 50% of tourist are respectful uses to live during the day, visit the city, the different places around Barcelona, the beach, restaurants, museums, theatre, cinemas and others more, but other part, younger live the city at night making disturb. A part from that, there is a third, who are usually immigrants living in bcn, who are dedicated to stealing tourists in the streets at night or normally also on trains or trains stations.

Great going back to your writing practice.

Take a look at how this can be improved:

I think the tourist should be the responsibilities of take care of the environment, the city, the streets, the rest of the residents at night, don’t be irrespectful, be careful when the tourists go in big groups, don’t make disturbs or something like that. In sum up be careful and be conscious about their actions in every way.

I think the tourist should be the responsibilities responsible of taking care of the environment, the city, the streets, the rest of the residents at night. Don’t be disrespectful and make disturbances or something like that when the tourists go in big groups. To sum up, be careful and be conscious about their actions in every way.

Happy writing!

1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.
Old Holland is a idyllic place where there are many windmills and locals live in traditional wooden houses.

2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?
The rules that they talked about with local tour companies are:
Not photographing residents without asking
Not going into their gardens
Not dropping litte

And the other rules that they could add would be:
Not knock the wooden houses
Respect the rest of local residents

3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?
The main responsibility that tourists have is to respect the life and things of local residents.

4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?

The bad behavior that I observe when tourists visit my city is that some of them don’t respect the city, they only come to party.

1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.
Old Holland is an idyllic area with wooden houses and wooden houses; In theory for residents of Old Holland to live there it should be thrill, but the reality is quite the opposite.
2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?
Rules of conduct for tourists include not photographing residents without permission, not strolling through the gardens, and not littering. I think these rules are correct and necessary, but other rules should be added such as limiting the number of tourists and visiting hours.
3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?
In my opinion the most important responsibility is to be respectful of the neighbors and the territory and the monuments.
4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?
In Spain, in some places there are many tourists and a type of tourist interested only in partying, drinking, and often without respect for the neighbors and the town’s monuments. It is the so-called sun and beach tourism.

Well done sharing your thoughts on this matter.

Look at how this sentence can be revised:

In Spain, in some places there are many tourists and a type of tourist interested only in partying, drinking, and often without respect for the neighbors and the town’s monuments.

In some places in Spain, there are many tourists and they receive the type of tourists who are only interested only in partying, and drinking, and they often do not have any respect for the neighbors and the town’s monuments.

Keep up the good job!

Old Holland is an idyllic area with traditional wooden houses and windmills. The place seems quiet but it is an open-air museum and the locals live among cameras and tourists who break your relaxation and their lives.

Locals talked to local tour companies to come up with rules, such as no photographing residents without permission, no wandering through their gardens, and no littering. I will add that I do not know the house to see if it is real wood.

The tourist must have respect for the places, the environment and the customs of the people who live in the place to which he travels. Everyone should put themselves in each other’s shoes and be respectful.

I live in Barcelona and there are too many tourists, an example of their bad behavior is throwing things on the ground, drinking a lot and breaking street furniture or yelling in the street, but it depends on the type of tourist. If it’s family tourism, you get more respect than the younger groups who come here to party and drink cheaper.

You wrote your answers well. Keep up the good work!

Here is one you can improve a bit:

I live in Barcelona and there are too many tourists, an example of their bad behavior is throwing things on the ground, drinking a lot and breaking street furniture or yelling in the street, but it depends on the type of tourist.

I live in Barcelona and there are too many tourists. Some examples of their bad behaviors are throwing trash on the ground, drinking a lot and breaking street furniture or yelling on the streets, but it depends on the types of tourists.

Keep practicing your skills!

Old Holland is described as an open-air museum: there are windmills everywhere and locals live in beautifully preserved, traditional wooden houses.

The rules the locals talked about with local tour companies were not photographing residents without permission, not strolling into their gardens, and not dropping litter, which I think it shouldn’t be necessary to ask. People should be respectful, and these kinds of things are so obvious.

I’m from a quiet and beautiful island which is full of tourists in summer: suddenly, the roads became more dangerous than in winter and there use to be more traffic accidents; beaches are dirtier, and streets noisier. As I said, tourists have the responsibility to be respectful, not only because most of them are adults, but also because they’re not in their country or city. They should be adapted to the local’s lifestyle.

Good work trying your best to enhance your skills!

Take a look at how this can be written better:

… and there use to be more traffic accidents; beaches are dirtier, and streets noisier.

… and there are usually more traffic accidents, the beaches get dirtier, and the streets noisier.

Cheers to more entries from you!

1. Describe Old Holland and how locals live there.

Old Holland is a small town,outside of Amsterdam. Is a paceful area, the locals live there in wooden houses, and the way of life is like another time.

2. What are the rules they talked about with local tour companies and what do you think about them? What rules for tourists would you add?

They have created rules of conduct, that include not photographing residents without permission, not strolling into their gardens and not dropping litter.
I add other rules like a timetable and only few days at week for the tourist can visit the town.

3. What responsibilities do you think tourists have?

I think that the tourist have the responsability of take care the town and not disturb the locals.

4. What kind of bad behavior have you observed tourists have when they visit your city/country?

I have observed that the young tourist that visit my city o my country only came here for drink alcoholic drinks, they get drunk and disturb the local people or dirty the city.

Appreciate your efforts spent in writing your answers. Good work.

Take a look at how you can better this sentence:

… Is a paceful area, the locals live there in wooden houses, and the way of life is like another time.
it is a peaceful area where locals live in wooden houses and the way of life is like from another time.

1. Old Holland and their people is the opposite to the typical tourist image from Amsterdam.
2. I think that the tourist have to learn the respect to the villagers. The tourist aren’t nobody to disturb the life in Old Holland.
I don’t know about new rules. I’m not the Old Holland mayor.
3. They aren’t to distrurbed. They must be respectful with the Old Holland people.
4. A bad habit from the tourist in Spain is all the situations born to drink so much or free thoughs that they have to think that they are the fucking queens or kings. If you stay in other country, you must be respectful with the people of this country.

We sure all have to be responsible tourists when visiting other places.

Be a little careful with your prepositions. See your minor corrections in this sentence:

Old Holland and their people is the opposite to the typical tourist image from Amsterdam.
Old Holland and their people are the opposite of the typical touristic image of Amsterdam.

1. Old Holland is an idyllic area with whit wooden house where people live a traditional life.
2. The text talks about photographs
3. I think tourists have to have responsibilities with landscape, local people, be respectful… and the number of tourist has increased during the last years
4. An example of bad behaviors is for example in Mallorca. many students come and go when they finish the exams and they drunk all day, screaming, peeing in the street …

Thank you for exerting efforts in practicing your writing skills through this exercise. If you have the chance, please revise your answer to # 2. You can try answering all three. 🙂

Anyway, here is how you can write this better:

They drunk all day, screaming, peeing in the street …
They drink all day, screaming, peeing on the streets

‘Old Holland’ is a village otuside of Amsterdam. This village is a idillycal area whit wooden house and traditional life.

The text talks about photographs to residents or littering. Probably I would add something about noise.

I think tourists should visit a place like the people from this place. They are not part of the landscape.

Madrid is a open and big city and I never had seen inapropiated turism. But in the balear islands, in my country, a lot of turist come to party an make a lot of stupid things like “balconing”

Thank you very much for answering our questions.

Look at other words you can use to improve this sentence:

This village is a idillycal area whit wooden house and traditional life.
This village is an idyllic area with wooden houses where people live a traditional life.

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