Organ Donation and Transplant

B1 – Intermediate

It is kind of unnerving that the moment you get your driver’s license, you will be asked whether or not you are willing to become an organ donor. It would seem like they are expecting for a fatal accident to happen and only your organs will be saved. If you look at it from a different perspective, however, it is one way that you will be able to do your share in saving lives. Even in death, you will be able to do something heroic. But organ donation is a tricky subject and an equally tricky process that may come with side effects, which is why it remains a hot subject for debate.

Read the article and be able to answer the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about organ donation?
  2. Should everyone be considered organ donors unless they ‘opt-out’? Explain your thoughts.
  3. Would you consider donating your organs in case of an untimely death? Why or why not?
  4. Would you allow your organs or tissue to be used for research purposes? Why or why not?
  5. Would you donate your body to medical science? Why or why not?
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10 replies on “Organ Donation and Transplant”

I think it is important to donate organs to save lives. The dilemma is to donate it during life or after death, because depending on the organ you donate, it can limit your health for the rest of your life. All of this will obviously depend on your lifestyle and whether you are willing to sacrifice yourself for someone you may not even know. This is called empathy, helping others.

Surely another option for donating organs is for medical scientists to investigate. It is a good option, and I will be able to do it after I die, whether prematurely or not, but I prefer to donate the organ to someone, because it is better to keep someone alive, since there is a possibility that scientists may not get anything later to explore your organs.

Welcome to the Phone English blog! Good to see you try to use this platform to practice writing.

Here is a sentence you can improve a bit:

It is a good option, and I will be able to do it after I die, whether prematurely or not, but I prefer to donate the organ to someone, because it is better to keep someone alive, since there is a possibility that scientists may not get anything later to explore your organs.

It is a good option, and I will be able to do it after I die, whether prematurely or not, but I prefer to donate my organs to someone, because it is better to keep someone alive, since there is a possibility that scientists may not get any positive results or information using your organs later on.

Cheers to more entries from you moving forward.

What do you think about organ donation?
I think organ donation is needed. It is the better way to use your rest, in my opinion.

Should everyone be considered organ donors unless they ‘opt-out’?
I think it could be mandatory for people who take risks like drive, xtreme sports, etc. You think drive is not too high risk but this is the first reason in % beacuse people need an organ.

Would you consider donating your organs in case of an untimely death?
Yes, of course, I am organ donator.

Would you allow your organs or tissue to be used for research
I don’t have problems the use of my body after my death. The research purpose is a long term donating, this will help more people than direct organ donation.

Would you donate your body to medical science? Why or why not?
Yes, of course, I will do this. I could help more people with my organs and in long time with researching in medical science. This is the reason why I shall do.

Welcome back to you writing practice here on the PE blog.

Take a look at better words/expressions you can use in the following sentences:

It is the better way to use your rest, in my opinion.

In my opinion, it is the best way to make use of your rest time.

Yes, of course, I am organ donator.

Yes, of course. I am an organ donor.

I don’t have problems the use of my body after my death.

I don’t have problems with the using of my body for medical research after my death.

I could help more people with my organs and in long time with researching in medical science.

I could help more people with my organs and in long time term, with in medical science researches.

This is the reason why I shall do.

This is the reason why I chose to do it.

Remember, “It’s not about perfect, it’s about effort.” Keep practicing.

I think organ donation is a pretty good topic to discuss. I see all people who donate some of their organs like heros, and they are so brave to take that decission. When you want to donate your organs, you know that you are helping people to extend his life, or in some cases, to get a better life.

There are a lot of people, that they don’t want to donate their organs, because of religious beliefs, or iven if they need a blood donation, they don’t want to do it. In this case, I don’t agree with them, because, I think that saving a life is over beliefs.

If you ask me that I would consider donate my organs, I’m sure that I would say “yes”. I think it’s one of the best decisions that I would to take, because I always liked to help people.

I would donate my body to science, but I don’t know if i would have some part of my body that shows anything new for science 🙂

Good job writing your answers to this lesson’s discussion questions.

Be a little careful with spelling the words “decision” and “even”.

Take a look at how you can write this answer a bit better:

There are a lot of people, that they don’t want to donate their organs, because of religious beliefs, or iven if they need a blood donation, they don’t want to do it. In this case, I don’t agree with them, because, I think that saving a life is over beliefs.

There are a lot of people who don’t want to donate their organs because of religious beliefs or even if they need a blood donation, they don’t want to do it. I don’t agree with them because I think that saving their life is more important than these beliefs in this case.

Keep practicing your skills through this exercise.

1. What do you think about organ donation?
I think it is a good idea because if you donate organ you Will help people
2. Should everyone be considered organ donors unless they ‘opt-out’?
I think everyone has to have the right of determine what to do with their organs.
3. Would you consider donating your organs in case of an untimely death?
Yes, because you can help people
4. Would you allow your organs or tissue to be used for research purposes?
I prefer donating organs to people because I think you can help more in this way, but I would like to donate organs to other purpose.
5. Would you donate your body to medical science? Why or why not?
Yes, because you can encourage the research

Good job with your answers!

Here is a better word choice to express this sentence better.

Yes, because you can encourage the research

Yes, I would because you can help support a research by donating your body to medical science.

Keep going with your writing exercise. You’re doing it!

What do you think about organ donation?
I think is correct because with organ donation can save lives.

Should everyone be considered organ donors unless they ‘opt-out’?
No. It should not be a requirement but everybody should think about it and be a donor.

Would you consider donating your organs in case of an untimely death?
Yes, as it could save lives.

Would you allow your organs or tissue to be used for research purposes?
Yes, as this could be a way to save more lives in the future.

Would you donate your body to medical science? Why or why not?
Yes, as this could help in research purposes.

What do you think about organ donation?
I think is correct because with organ donation can save lives.

Should everyone be considered organ donors unless they ‘opt-out’?
No. It should not be a requirement but everybody should think about it and be a donor.

Would you consider donating your organs in case of an untimely death?
Yes, as it could save lives.

Would you allow your organs or tissue to be used for research purposes?
Yes, as this could be a way to save more lives in the future.

Would you donate your body to medical science? Why or why not?
Yes, as this could help in research purposes.

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