Online Forever

B1 – Intermediate

Posting our personal activities online has become the norm over the last decade that some companies use this as their way of checking one’s background when one is applying for a job. This can be really critical for some people who post very personal things on social media such as embarrassing photos or perhaps a strongly worded status update. So next time you click post or send, you might want to think twice.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

The past can return and haunt you. In today’s age of social networking and electronic communication, that statement seems truer than ever. A comment on a forum here or a blog post there, or even photos of some raucous party can all return and undermine education and career prospects.

An increasing number of universities and employers use the Internet to vet possible candidates. After all, institutions and companies spend so much money on lessons, training, and facilities, the more they know about the person, the more accurate their decision. If what pops up on sites and blogs doesn’t pass muster, let’s say lots of photos and comments about drunken weekends and hangovers, then it’s into the circular filing cabinet your application goes.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How often do you post things on social media? What kind of content do you often post?
  2. What do you think about employers and schools using this kind of method for background checks?
  3. After reading this article, will you consider refraining from posting on social media? Why or why not?
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6 replies on “Online Forever”

1- I usually use Linkedin, sometimes Instagram and very rarely Facebook.
On Linkedin I post topics related to what I do or my profession, which is Packaging, Engineering or the Environment.
On Instagram, I really like to see topics related to football, which I like a lot.
I only use Facebook to see if there is a greeting from an uncle or relative, who is more used to using it.

2- If I put myself on the side of employers and schools, it seems fine to me, to better know the background of the person.
Although, if I see it from my side, it seems somewhat invasive to me.

3- In truth, I’ m not one to post topics beyond professional ones, I am quite reserved, and after reading this article, I reaffirm that I will continue in the same way.

Interesting thoughts about this topic. Thanks for sharing them.

Here are other expressions you can use to revise this sentence:

In truth, I’ m not one to post topics beyond professional ones, I am quite reserved, and after reading this article, I reaffirm that I will continue in the same way.

In truth, I’ m not one to post topics beyond professional ones, I am quite reserved, and after reading this article, I am even more convinced that I should continue in the same way.

Well done!

How often do you post things on social media? What kind of content do you often post?
I could say that I never post things on social media. I have posted a photo or a comment once, but punctually.
What do you think about employers and schools using this kind of method for background checks?
I think that it is not very fair that they do that, since everybody has the right to have their prívate life. However, just because this reason, people should be careful with what they post where, and how, since social media do not always guarantee privacy
After reading this article, will you consider refraining from posting on social media? Why or why not?
What I have read in the article hasn’t been new for me. I was already aware of the dangers of the lack of privacy. I don’t like posting things because I like to control what other people know about me, my life, and my feelings.

Nice work expressing your thoughts on this topic.

Here is another way to phrase this sentence:

I think that it is not very fair that they do that, since everybody has the right to have their prívate life.

I think that it is not very fair that they do that, since everybody has the right to keep their lives prívate life.

Keep practicing to become better and better at writing.

How often do you post things on social media? What kind of content do you often post?
I haven´t social media and i´m very happy for this.

What do you think about employers and schools using this kind of method for background checks?
This method is like any other, because the people who post are they responsability, if they don´t publicate personals photos, images, an other content, no post this.

After reading this article, will you consider refraining from posting on social media? Why or why not?
The post or not is an option personal, i consider i don´t like something appear in social media, don´t public.

I don’t use social media like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, so I’m not afraid of the impact that it would have in a hypothetical future work. However, I know to many people that use social media a lot, and they should be careful because anyone can check the content of their messages. I understand that companies, they want to know the most about their candidates, and it’s additional information besides the interview.

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