B1 – Intermediate
Almost everyone suffers from a headache at least once a year. In most cases, they are not dangerous and the person suffering it can still function normally.
Headache is usually described as pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. Headaches are very common and their effect can range from mild to worst.
Read on to know about the types of headaches, their causes, and ways to treat them.
Discussion Questions:
- Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
- What do you do when you have a headache?
- Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
- Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
22 replies on “Headaches”
1.Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
I don’t usually suffer headaches, but. sometimes when I don’t drink enough water I feel a little pain. The main reason for headaches is lack of sleep or if I drank more than usual .
2.What do you do when you have a headache?
I try to drink enough water , close my eyes in a dark room and be quite
3.Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
In my opinion it depends on your own body knowledge.If you realized that the pain is not normal you should you to the doctor ,in other way it should be treated like a little cold, don’t go to the doctor and avoid their extra work
4.Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
In my point of. view strong exercises are not recommended , only walk and breath fresh air should be good
Good work with your writing practice!
Here is how to write this sentence better:
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1. Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them? Normally I don’t suffer headaches but when I have them are due to stress, or hungry. I suffer tension headache. By chance, I’ve not never suffered migraines.
2. What do you do when you have a headache? I take anti-inflammatory medicines, and it should be enough.
3. Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
In my opinion, the headache continue in time (12h-24h) without resolution, should be important or priority to go to the doctor because it’s possible it would be necessary stronger medication or to do some assessments to discard some diseases.
4. Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
I agree, because nowadays the stress is the most relevant cause of headaches. The exercise helps to relax the body and the mind.
Nice job answering your lesson’s discussion questions! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this topic.
Here is how you can improve this sentence:
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1. Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
Yes, I often suffer from headaches. At the beginning, I suffered from this kind of pain when I had my period or some days without explanation but about 2 years ago I started having these headaches more often and when I went to the doctor he told me that maybe I have migraines.
In my case the headache is on the right side of the head it is severe and sometimes the pain spreads to the eye.
I don’t really know where the headache comes from, I think it’s because of the migraines and it gets worse with my period.
2. What do you do when you have a headache?
When I have a headache I usually try not to use screens (for example mobile phone, laptop, etc), I stay in the dark and If this things doesn’t work I take an anti-inflammatory drug like Ibuprofen or Enantyum.
3. Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
Yes, If the person suffer this headaches very often she or he needs to see a doctor because maybe the root of this headaches is another disease more serious. Moreover, the doctor can recommend the person the best way to treat the pain and some tips to prevent the headaches.
4. Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
I don’t have much information on this, but maybe by doing sport you can improve your blood circulation and this will help to deflate the painful area of your head and reduce the pain.
Also, maybe when you do sports you “disconnect” and you are less stress and this maybe helps with the headaches.
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Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
Recently I don´t suffer from headaches but when I have some period with stress I usually have headaches mainly because of the cervical tension.
What do you do when you have a headache?
If the headache is mild I try to not take anything and usually it resolves alone. When the headache is more serious and I see it would not resolve alone, then I take medicines and really it resolves shortly.
Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
I don´t think you should go to the doctor immediately for a headache if it´s not incapacitant and/or prolonged in time as really the doctor would only give analgesic for the pain.
Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
I agree with this as since I´m going to the gym every day I´m not having the headaches I had before. Going to the gym and making exercise, makes you disconnect of all the “problems” we might have daily and makes you being more relaxed.
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Until your next post!
1. Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
– I suffer from migraines regularly since I was a teenager. Migraines get worse or are more common when I’m estressed, and also they are influenced by the atmospheric pressures.
2. What do you do when you have a headache?
– It depends on the type of headache. If it is a mild headache I take a painkiller and continue my normal life. But if it is a migraine, I take a hard painkiler as soon as possible, then look for a quiet place with no noise, low light or in the dark, and tried to relax or sleep.
3. Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
– It depends on how often you suffer the headache and the intensity of it, because it is not consider a serious disease if the frequency and intensity are low.
4. Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
– It depends on the type of headache, but if the headache if mild, the exercise could help because activates the blood circulation and hormone liberation, reduces estress and helps with the sleep.
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1 – A few years ago, I used to get them quite a bit, now I get 1 or 2 a year. I think they were caused by tension in my neck or sometimes it could be caused by some kind of special smell that I couldn’t identify.
2- I usually move my neck or cervical spine.
3 – Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help relieve headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Please explain.
I think that depending on the type of headache, you may need to go to the doctor, but that should be evaluated by yourself, whether the type of headache is the usual one or is different.
Physical activity is good in general, as long as it is done correctly. I think it could relieve headaches
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Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
I don’t usually suffer headaches but when I suffer it is due to stress situation or hungry (a lot of hours without eat, 5-6 h).
What do you do when you have a headache?
If it’s for hungry, I need to eat asap. On the other hand, when the headache is due to stress, I take medication and I try to sleep.
Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
I suppose people should see a doctor when headache is a kind of migraine (the pain is really strong).
Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
The physical activities should help people because normally the headaches are related with stress.
Welcome to Phoneenglish! Great job starting with your writing practice. You may also answer the questions for Lesson 1.
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Do you often suffer from headaches? What type of headache do you often suffer from? What usually cause them?
No, fortunately not, I never had a headache, I could say. However, my wife and my daughter both have usually headaches, poor them! We are not sure the cause of my daugher’s but my wife’s are migraines due to hormonal reasons because they always appears about the days of her menstrual period.
What do you do when you have a headache? As I said, I have not. What my wife use to do when she has a migraine is locking herself in the bedroom with no light and no noise, and we try not to disturb her. She also takes some drugs to relieve the pain.
Do you think people should see a doctor immediately when they have a headache? Why/why not?
If it is a new pain, definitely yes. It could be caused by a serious issue in your brain so it should be assessed urgently. If it is recurrent, it may not be needed.
Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
I don’t have information to reply this. My logical says that if you do physical activities, your blood flows more and it could lead to increase the pain, but on the other hand, there could be other metabolic and physiological reactions in your body activated by the exercise that could improve your feeling and relieve your pain.
Good job sharing your ideas about this topic.
Here are some minor corrections you can make in the following sentence:
Until your next entry.
1. Do you often suffer from headaches?
No, I don´t suffer headaches. Maybe if I drink a lot the day before, but I don´t do that often.
2. What type of headaches do you often suffer from?
When I have a headaches, they are normal, they aren´t migraines.
3. What usually causses your headaches?
As I told you in the first question, if I drink too much or sometimes caused by a high stress load.
4. What do you do when you have a headache?
When I have a headache take a pill like Ibuprofen or aspirina and sometime feel like me junk food and lay down in my favorite armchair in front of the TV.
5. Do you think you should see a doctor immediately when you have a headache?
In my opinion yes, but headaches are normal and people usually don´t go to see a doctor. Often nothing happens, but sometime headaches are forewarming something is going to bad into your bodies, maybe heart attack or ictus.
6. Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this?
Well, physical activities helping people to stay healthy. Maybe people who practice sports suffer less pain in their bodies because their systems are working better.
Thanks for sharing your ideas about this topic on headaches. Well done writing your answers.
See how to improve this response by using better expressions:
Keep up the good work!
Do you often suffer from headaches?
Not really. Fortunately, I don’t use to have headaches and when I have them they are not very strong.
What type of headache do you often suffer from?
Since they are not very strong, I think they are tension headaches
What usually causes your headaches?
Lately I have headaches with my period.
What do you do when you have a headache?
When I have a headache, taken an ibuprofen uses to be enough for me to feel better.
Do you think you should see a doctor immediately when you have a headache? Why/why not?
If the ache is not strong, continuous or unusual I think that it is not necessary to see a doctor. It is a very common issue and it is improbable that is symptom of any serious disease
Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain.
Yes. I think that exercise can help with the headaches that are caused by stress
Great going practicing your skills in writing. Continue doing this exercise to improve further and further.
See how this sentence can be slightly enhanced by changing some words:
To more entries from you!
* Do you often suffer from headaches?
Yes, but I don’t suffer a headache for a long time.
* What type of headache do you often suffer from?
The basic headache.
* What usually causes your headache?
The tiredness and to endure some bullshits that day.
* What do you do when you have headache?
I take a medicine a I try to take a brake.
* Some say that physical activities such as exercise can help with relieving headaches. Do you agree with this?
No. In me experience, when I have had hedache and I have practiced a physical activities, me headache has gotten worse.
Good answers. Keep up the good work.
Watch out for your verb tense in this sentence:
Yes, but I don’t suffer a headache for a long time.