Baby Boomers – The Golden Generation

B1 – Intermediate

Almost exactly nine months after World War II ended, “the cry of the baby was heard across the land,” as historian Landon Jones later described the trend. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before: 3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945. This was the beginning of the so-called “baby boom.” In 1947, another 3.8 million babies were born; 3.9 million were born in 1952; and more than 4 million were born every year from 1954 until 1964, when the boom finally tapered off. By then, there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States. They made up almost 40 percent of the nation’s population.

Read the full article about baby boomers here:

Let’s talk:

1. Who are baby boomers?

2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?

3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?

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20 replies on “Baby Boomers – The Golden Generation”

1. Who are baby boomers?
They are the generation that was born between the mid 1940s and the mid 1960s.
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
Yes, I think so. Baby boomers are healthier and better educated than their parents were. Their life expectancy is higher, and they are prepared to adapt to the new times.
3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
It is also a reality in my country. Some of them are working in important companies in managements position with a very good salary, so if they retire they know they will not make as much money as now working, for this reason they don’t want to retire.

Well done writing your responses.

Take a look at bit better way to write this sentence:

Some of them are working in important companies in managements position with a very good salary, so if they retire they know they will not make as much money as now working, for this reason they don’t want to retire.

Some of them are working in important companies in management positions with a very good salary, so when they retire, they know they will not make as much money as now that they are working. For this reason, they don’t want to retire.

Happy writing!

1. Who are baby boomers?
They are the people born between 1946 and 1964. The generation is called that due to the increase of birth rates in these years.
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
Most of them probably are prepared, but some might not be ready due to the lack of money or lack of stability. I don´t know if we are ready for their aging.
3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
It is hard to work your whole life and you don´t have enough money for retire. It can be very hard to live in a country without public pensions and without enough money, you have to work until you die. In my country, nowadays we have public pensions and private pensions. Throughout your working time you will be paying taxes and you reach the end of your working period you will be able to take your retirement allowance monthly.

Good going with your writing practice.

Here is a sentence you can revise a bit:

In my country, nowadays we have public pensions and private pensions.

In my country, we have public pensions and private pensions nowadays.

Keep doing this exercise to improve your skills more.

1. Who are baby boomers?
Baby boomers are people born after World War II, between 1946 and 1964.
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
Not everyone is prepared, some may have problems with their pensions, society may not be able to generate enough money to pay their pension and others will not be able to retire because they have not saved enough money.
3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
I think people who haven’t saved enough money are irresponsible, especially in countries like the United States where there is no government protection for seniors.
In my country all people have a pension paid by the government, the amount paid depends on the amount paid to the State during their working life and the time they have been contributing.
Some people also have a complementary pension as a result of their savings.

You are doing well in practicing your writing consistently. Way to go!

Here is a more concise way of expressing this sentence:

In my country all people have a pension paid by the government, the amount paid depends on the amount paid to the State during their working life and the time they have been contributing.

In my country, all people have a everyone receives pension from paid by the government. The amount of one’s pension paid depends on the amount how much they paid to the State during their working lives and the time how long they had been contributing.

Until your next entry.

1. Who are baby boomers?
People who were born between 1946 and 1964.
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
Yes, I think so. They have lived a lot of changes during their lives and most of them have been able to adapt to the new times.
3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
In Spain we have a public system that ensures that people can receive an amount of money to do their lives during their retirement. I think it is a fair system.

Well done sharing your thoughts on this topic.

Take a look at how you can revise this sentence to make it a bit better:

In Spain we have a public system that ensures that people can receive an amount of money to do their lives during their retirement.

In Spain, we have a public system social benefit that ensures that old people can receive an amount of money to help them go on with their lives during their retirement.

Practice a little more to make sure that you improve your skills.

According to the text, baby boomers are all those babies who were born after World War II, between 1946 and 1964, when birth rates went up quickly.

My conclusion after reading the article is that baby boomers are not prepared for the challenges of aging at all because they are healthier and their life expectancy is higher; although they are currently reaching retirement age and the golden years are slowing down, many of them don’t want to retire but want to stay active and do something meaningful in the last years of their lives such as working. Others simply can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money, and others want to start their own company, as if they tried to avoid aging.

I think it is not fair that old people continue working because they shouldn’t do efforts. It’s okay if it is their decision because they have the right to decide how to spend the last years of their life, but it’s different and sad to know that many of them have not been able to save enough money because they had to take care of children or an entire family. I don’t like the pension system of my country because it’s worse: many old people don’t have pensions although they had saved a lot of money, because government have denied them.

Well done sharing your thoughts about this topic.

See how you can improve this one with a better expression:

I think it is not fair that old people continue working because they shouldn’t do efforts.

I think it is not fair that old people continue working because they shouldn’t be exerting any efforts anymore at their age.

Keep going with this exercise!

The baby boomers are a generation born between 1946 and 1964. They lived in the era with more protests, drugs, free sex and they fought for civil rights and were at the top of the feminist movement.

Baby boomers are the first generation to buy a television and watch events like the Nixon-Kennedy debate, soldiers coming home from Vietnam, and Neil Armstrong’s walk on the moon.

There are some boomers who are not prepared for the challenge of aging because it is a healthy and vital generation. Many people have a higher life expectancy and want to travel or do activities as if they were 40 years old.

There are many boomers who do not have money to retire and there are even those who want to start their own company at age 60.
In my opinion, this situation is the product of a consumer economy.

There are many people who do not know how to save money for their retirement. They spend all your money during your lifetime without thinking about your retirement. When the time comes when they have no money.

In my country we have the similar situation. The government gives a minimum retirement pay but there are many people who don’t have enough money, but in Spain people don’t think about setting up a company, but about how the government helps me.

Always stay consistent with your practice to improve.

Here is one sentence you can revise:

but in Spain people don’t think about setting up a company, but about how the government helps me.

but in Spain, people don’t think about setting up their own companies, but about how the government can help them.

Keep up the good work!

1. Who are baby boomers?
The generation born between 1946 (after the WWII) and 1964. This generation made up almost 40% of the US current population.

2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
The challenges of aging are big for every generation. For the baby boomers, too.
Their life expectancy is higher than in ancient times and it means that they need to generate enough money for their long life pensions. Some of them have their future solved (from an economical point of view) and they can do whatever they like for the years to come. Others can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to maintain they welfare for life.

3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
It will be a difficult situation. In our country there are a lot of baby boomers in this situation. They can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy or… the worst scenario, they don’t have enough money and don’t have a job neither. In the youngest stage of baby boomers (aged between 56 and 65) there are a lot of people losing their jobs (in this pandemic year the situation has been more difficult than ever). In the oldest stage (aged between 65 and 75) their pensions are progressively low and, as life expectancy grows, it is more and more difficult to know what will happen with pensions in the next years. Can a country supports more pensions than payrolls of active workers?

Excellent job writing your responses to our questions.

Here is how you can improve the following sentences a bit:

Some of them have their future solved (from an economical point of view) and they can do whatever they like for the years to come. Others can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to maintain they welfare for life.

Some of them have their future secured financially and they can do whatever they like for the years to come. Others can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to maintain their needs in order to live.

1.Who are baby boomers?
Baby boomer is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964 (during the post–World War II baby boom).
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
The problem for a lot of boomers is the life expectancy. People are living longer, and perhaps the next generation can´t pay pensions for all, and no everybody have save enough money.
3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
Many do not have enough saved for their retirement. In Spain we have more old people than young people. This reason causes a problem to pension and the end of retirement.

We see you always try your best in expressing your opinions. Well done. Keep going.

Just a little bit of correction in this phrase:

… and no everybody have save enough money.
… and not everyone has saved enough money.

1. Who are baby boomers?
Baby boomer are the generation of children that they born into 1946 and 1964.

2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?
Maybe, I don’t know. This baby boomer had a open future of many posibilities. But it’s true that the past history and the old people was a “problem” to show the new baby boomer perspective. I don´t know.

3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?
Well, it’s complicated question to me. And I think that this old problem continue to day in all countries. For example, Spain has a inverted piramid of population,. We have more old people than young people. This reason provoke a problem to pension and the end of retirement.

Your diligence in practicing your writing skills is very admirable. Keep at it!

Here is how you can improve this sentence:

Baby boomer are the generation of children that they born into 1946 and 1964.
Baby boomers are the children born from 1946 to 1964.

1. Who are baby boomers?
They are the children born after the second mundial war when them fathers came home after the war. After them the rate of borns went down again.
2. Are boomers prepared for the challenges of aging?

The problem for a lot of boomers is the life expectancy and the fact of the nexts generation can´t pay pensios for all, and no everbody have save enough money

3. What is your opinion on some baby boomers who can’t retire because they haven’t saved enough money to take it easy? Is the situation in your country the same?

I think it is very unfair because all their working lives they have thought they could retire.
In Spain we have the same problem, although it is still more a fear than a reality, everyone thinks that penises will not be able.

Thanks for sharing your ideas.

Kindly check this way of writing this sentence:

They are the children born after the second mundial war when them fathers came home after the war.
They are the children born after World War II when their fathers came home after the war.

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