Japan’s Robot Hotel

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Japan is a world leader in robotics technology, and the government is trumpeting robotics as a pillar of its growth strategy.  The Henn na – or Weird Hotel – has opened in Japan where guests check in with robots which also deliver their luggage to their rooms. Another feature is facial recognition technology, so instead of the standard electronic keys, a digital image of the guest’s face is registered during check-in.

Watch the video and discuss the questions that follow:

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of a hotel staffed by robots?
  2. Would you like to check-in in this type of accommodation?
  3. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having robots as staffs in a hotel?
  4. What is the most surprising and exciting things that you have ever experienced in a unique or strange hotel?

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2 replies on “Japan’s Robot Hotel”

What do you think of a hotel staffed by robots?
I guess this is another way to show the grade of both robotics and artificial intelligence development. Furthermore, I could say that it’s an interesting initative applied to the hotel industry, however it still seems to be in an early stage and it could need more development to be fully appliable to the real world.

Would you like to check-in in this type of accommodation?
I guess not, I mean, it could be fun but I guess it’s not as trustful as treating with actual human beings in case of an emergency.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having robots as staffs in a hotel?
The main advantage of having robots doing this kind of labors is that all is automated and even it could be self-service, which means that you could be as independent as you need. Nonetheless, there are still some situations nowadays that have to be managed by humans, moreover, talking with humans sometimes is simpler and faster than saying precise instructions to a robot.

What is the most surprising and exciting things that you have ever experienced in a unique or strange hotel?
There was a hotel in Las Vegas called Excalibur that was really strange for me and my concept of what a hotel should be. The rooms and the corridors were quite the same of any other hotel, but the lobby was radically different, it was a confusing mixture of medieval scene filled with slot machines, however it was fun to be part of it while I was there.

You did a very good job expressing your answers for this lesson’s discussion questions.

See a few revisions you can make on the following sentences particularly in terms of more accurate word choices.

I guess this is another way to show the grade of both robotics and artificial intelligence development. Furthermore, I could say that it’s an interesting initative applied to the hotel industry, however it still seems to be in an early stage and it could need more development to be fully appliable to the real world.

I guess this is another way to show the stage/level of development for both robotics and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, I could say that it’s an interesting innovation applied in the hotel industry. However, it still seems to be in an early stage and it could needs more development to be fully applicable in the real world.

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