Luxury Hotel in Outer Space

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Everything that’s been happening around us recently is quite an evidence of advanced technology.

Just like the latest COVID-19 vaccine that has recently made record of the fastest vaccine created in human history. It’s all because of the technology we have at the present time.

Although, flying cars are still on the verge of becoming reality, it is real that we are all living in the modern world.

Now, Elon Musk, creator of SpaceX, has another advanced innovation that might be available for everyone that is capable of paying a hefty price for a trip and stay in his luxury hotel located in outer space.

Read the article below about a luxury hotel in outer space.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What comes to mind when you think of luxury hotels?
  2. Do you ever imagine what type of experience you’d have especially if the hotel is located in outer space?
  3. Are you willing to pay a hefty price for a once in a lifetime experience in this outer space hotel? Why or why not?
  4. Is this considered absurd or a crazy concept not to be tagged a realistic one? Explain your point.
  5. Talk about the best type of holiday accommodation you’ve ever stayed in.
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