Amazon Alexa Answers Health Questions

B1 – Intermediate

Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistants can listen to, answer questions, and follow commands. But should it give health advice too?

Read about AI assistants answering health questions from the link below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are the good and bad things about an AI assistant answering questions about health?
2. Why are some people worried about this new feature of Alexa?
3. Would you use this feature to ask about your health questions?

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2 replies on “Amazon Alexa Answers Health Questions”

1. I think it would be good if you ask the right questions and take it as an opinion and not a definitive diagnosis. And the bad thing is undoubtedly data protection, insurance could use it against people in the future

2.It could cause people with serious problems not to go to the doctor or the insurance that I mentioned before

3. I don’t think I would use it even though it is linked to the health system, it doesn’t seem entirely safe to me

You wrote good sentences. Try to elaborate more so you can express more, too. One general reminder: do not forget to punctuate your sentences. Always put the proper punctuations at the end of your sentences.

Here is how you can improve this answer of yours:

It could cause people with serious problems not to go to the doctor or the insurance that I mentioned before

It could cause people with serious health problems not to go to the doctor anymore and as I’ve mentioned before, it could also bring you some problems with your insurance.

Continue enjoying your writing practice!

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