Takeaways from an AI Assistant Laughing on Its Own

C1 – Advanced

Some users have been creeped out by Alexa suddenly talking and laughing without being prompted any commands. Alexa is Amazon’s virtual AI assistant.

After some incidents were reported, Amazon immediately set out to find ways to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Read more on this news and take a look at some takeaways we can get from this whole fiasco. Click on the link below:


Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think about this problem with Alexa?
2. Would you feel scared too if you heard your AI assistant performing tasks unprompted?
3. Do you use AI assistants? Why or why not?
4. Is it possible for robots to be smarter than how they were programmed?

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One reply on “Takeaways from an AI Assistant Laughing on Its Own”

1. I believe that this technology won´t be able to help the people yet because it need it more perfection.
2. I believe that yes but also i think that it´s a normal situation that a machine isn´t operate well all time as a computer or a phone.
3. I don´t use assitant beacuse i think that i needn´t do it. The people can´t be all time around machines and technological devices because it isn´t good to our health.
4. Maybe, the technology keep going step by step and each time the machines include new developments.

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