Testing the World’s Longest Flight

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Some 40 passengers and 10 crew members took a flight for about a 20-hour flight from New York City to Sydney. This flight was a test to find out how long-haul flights such as this could affect the human body. Once investors are convinced and policymakers approve, Qantas Airways aims to offer this route in the future.

Watch this video to know how it’s like to be on what might be the world’s longest flight.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of this kind of flight?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of long-haul flights?
  3. Talk about the longest flight you’ve ever been on. How was it like? How could it be improved?
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2 replies on “Testing the World’s Longest Flight”

I like this type of flight because it saves a lot of time, if we find a good way to adjust our mind and body to the local time we are travelling to, we could arrive well rested and start doing what we went there for.

The big advantage is to save time, not only in the transfers beetween flights but also if you synchronize your meal and sleep time with the one in the country you are travelling you could arrive fed and sleept* (having already sleept), and not loose time in those things either.

The disadvantage can be that some people get very tired during flights or prefer to stop and take it easy, but since we can choose what type of flight we want to take, it is all advantages, if you dont like this new form of fliying, keep using the traditional one.

Bet we are all looking forward to taking these long haul flights. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

See how you can improve this sentence:

The big advantage is to save time, not only in the transfers beetween flights but also if you synchronize your meal and sleep time with the one in the country you are travelling you could arrive fed and sleept* (having already sleept), and not loose time in those things either.

The big advantage is being able to time not only in not having to go through transfers between flights anymore but also if you’ve already synchronized your meal and sleep time with the one of the country you are travelling to, you will arrive there full and well-rested and you do not have to waste time in doing those things any longer.

You are doing a good job so far. Keep going.

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