Heaviest Sumo Wrestler Gives Diet Advice

B1 – Intermediate

Health is important to each and everyone of us. Everyone needs to be healthy and not only physically but also mentally and psychologically. The health of any given individual will determine how he or she functions.

Let’s read the article below and learn more about the world’s heaviest ever sumo wrestler’s health advice to other wrestlers.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of sumo wrestlers? What do you know about them or their sport?
  2. How much do you worry about your height and weight?
  3. How big is your appetite? How difficult is it for you to avoid snacks?
  4. What do you do to stay healthy?
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10 replies on “Heaviest Sumo Wrestler Gives Diet Advice”

1) What do you think of sumo wrestlers? What do you know about them or their sport?
I really don’t know much about them. I know that sumo wrestlers have a diet focused on getting fat or staying overweight.
That this sport is the most important in Japan.
In addition, sumo wrestlers perform a ritual in each fight.
The rules of sumo are simple, the first person to leave the ring or area will lose!

2) How much do you care about your height and weight?
I try to maintain a weight according to my height; I am not always at my ideal weight, sometimes I am a kilo or two above my weight. But now I am at my normal weight.

3) How big is your appetite? How difficult is it for you to avoid snacks?
I always have a huge appetite, but I try to eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables and fruits every day. also fish, legumes, cereals.
Also, I usually eat 3 times a day and not between meals.
But sometimes when I’m so hungry, I eat a little snack and stay happy.

4) What do you do to be healthy?
I try to eat a balanced diet along with some exercise (running, walking, swimming, cycling. I do Pilates less often.

Thank you for constantly doing your writing practice. Good job!

Look at how you can improve this particular response:

I really don’t know much about them. I know that sumo wrestlers have a diet focused on getting fat or staying overweight.
That this sport is the most important in Japan.

I really don’t know much about them but I know that sumo wrestlers have a diet focused on getting fat or staying overweight. In addition, this is one of the most important sports in Japan.

Until your next one!

1) What do you think of sumo wrestlers? What do you know about them or their sport?

I don´t really know much about them but the audio has pushed me to dig more into this topic and, I have been reading a couple of posts about them. Thus, I can write a more extend answer.
From what I have read, sumo is the most important sport in Japan but apart from being a sport, it is also a tradition, and every fight is also accompanied of a ritual. However, the rules are quite simple and, basically the loser is the one who put a foot out the ring first. Last but not less curious, sumo wrestlers follow a diet whose main objective is to put these fighters on weight.

How much do you worry about your height and weight?

To be honest, I have never been worried about my height as it is a lit bit upper than the average for women in Spain. However, currently I am trying my best to do exercise and avoid gaining weight.

How big is your appetite? How difficult is it for you to avoid snacks?

I always have big appetite but try to eat a balance diet, including vegetables and fruit daily. However, I really dislike fish, even though I am aware of its nutritional value. Normally, when I have a bad day and feel anxious, I succumb to the snack´s temptation.

What do you do to stay healthy?

As I have responded in the question above, I try to have a balance diet daily along some exercise (running, walking, padel, swimming…). Having those, my mental health is always up.

Great job answering our questions. You wrote good sentences.

Take a look at some minor corrections in this sentence:

I always have big appetite but try to eat a balance diet, including vegetables and fruit daily.

I always have a big appetite but I try to eat a balanced diet daily, including fruits and vegetables.

Cheers to more entries from you!

1. I don’t too much about sumo , I have watched some images on TV
but it seems to be very complicate to understand the roles .I suppose
they ahve to get out the other from the circle
2 Healthy and weight are not always together. You can be a thin person but having more internal grass fat than you should have, on the other side you can weight a little more than tables say and be perfectly healthy
3. I usually do 3 foods per day , if I fell hunger I try to eat some piece of fruit
4 . I think the best way to be healthy is eating varied foods,giving more importance to vegetables and fruits and avoiding ultra-processed food, and of course do some exercise

Welcome to the PE blog. We do hope this exercise helps you improve your writing skills more.

See the sentence below and take a look at how it can be written better:

I don’t too much about sumo , I have watched some images on TV
but it seems to be very complicate to understand the roles .

I don’t know too much about sumo. I have watched some images on TV
but it seems to be very complicated to understand the rules.

Hope you do this for every lesson from now on. Many thanks!

1. What do you think of sumo wrestlers? What do you know about them or their sport?
I think that they have to be big lovers of this sport. I think that it takes a lot of effort with the meals and the physical appearance because the wrestlers are fat people and apparently unhealthy .
I don´t know a lot about this sport because I don´t like me. I know that two wrestlers have to fight on a tatami and they are dressed with a kind of cloth very small.

2. How much do you worry about your height and weight?
I don´t worry too much because, relate to height, I am not very tall but it´s not possible to make anything to solve it. But relate to weight, I try to keep me in the correct weight basically for a health reason. I usually to make a healthy nutrition.

3. How big is your appetite? How difficult is it for you to avoid snacks?
I don´t usually to eat a lot. Although I love the snacks they are not a temptation for me, most of the time eat healthy food.

4. What do you do to stay healthy?
I use to eat vegetables and fruits, but above all I avoid to eat a lot snacks and unhealthy food.

It’s impressive to see you do your best in improving your writing skills.

Here is a better way to write this one:

I use to eat vegetables and fruits, but above all I avoid to eat a lot snacks and unhealthy food.

I usually eat vegetables and fruits but above all, I avoid eating a lot snacks and unhealthy food.

Keep going with this exercise.

1/ Sumo is a religious ritual. Sumo originated in Japan, the only country where it is practiced professionally, where it is considered the national sport. I don’t know if the weight of sumo wrestlers is healthy. In my opinion a high weight is neither healthy nor good (although they practice this sport).
2/ I worry about my weight and height but I am not obsessed. I like to go to the gym, eat healthy.
3/ I don’t have a very big appetite. For me, to avoid snack is not easy. I like to eat snacks.
4/ To stay healthy: I go to gym three times a week and I try to eat healthy.

Just keep going with your writing practice through this page. You are doing great.

See how you can revise the following sentences. Remember, for a regular action or habit, use gerund as subject and as object after the verb ‘like’.

For me, to avoid snack is not easy. I like to eat snacks.

For me, avoiding snacks is not easy. I like eating them.

Until your next entry!

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