Brain-Hacking Computer Chip

B1 – Intermediate

Elon Musk, a tech pioneer, wants to develop a computer-to-brain technology in humans. An experiment has already been done on a pig. If this technology succeeds, we might be seeing superhuman powers in the near future.

Read this lesson more to find out more about putting a computer chip on human brains.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on the potential of this technology?
  2. How do you feel about such technology?
  3. How can it change our lives?
  4. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this technology?
  5. Do you think it’s possible for AI to cause destruction to humans?
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4 replies on “Brain-Hacking Computer Chip”

What is your opinion on the potential of this technology?
I think this technology could be really in the future but not in the next years, maybe in the next generation it could be normal for the people.

How do you feel about such technology?
I like if it would be use to increase the posibility of disability people to take a normal life.

How can it change our lives?
I think it could improve the disability life.

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this technology?
The principal advantage is to do more easy the life to the people but the disadvantages could be desastrous for the humanity if bad people use this technology for the war.

Do you think it’s possible for AI to cause destruction to humans?
Yes, if bad people use this technology it could be the end of the humanity.

It is a pleasure having you on this platform. Thank you for writing your answers for this lesson.

Here is how you can improve this sentence a little bit:

I think this technology could be really in the future but not in the next years, maybe in the next generation it could be normal for the people.
I think this technology could really become the commonplace in the future but not in the next years, in the next generation, it could possibly be normal for people to be using this.

Keep writing!

1. What is your opinion on the potential of this technology?
I think this technology is like a science fiction movie. Human technological development is far from these achievements. There have been a lot of improvements and discoveries in mechanical technology but I have doubts about the physical links between human brain and machines.
2. How do you feel about such technology?
I don´t feel comfortable about this technology.
3. How can it change our lives?
This technology could make life of neurological disability people easier.
4. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this technology?
The main advantage is the improvement of life quality in disabled people. The disadvantage is the will of maintain alive human beings like machines.
5. Do you think it’s possible for AI to cause destruction to humans?
I suppose that if computers are day-to-day more and more powerful and autonomous, they could manage our lives some day.

It is clear why you feel uncomfortable with this technology. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this matter.

It would be better if you use the phrase in bold in this sentence:

This technology could make life of neurological disability people easier.
This technology could make the life of neurologically-impaired people easier.

Keep a good job on your writing skills. Thanks.

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