Thai Parks Mail Litter Back to Tourists

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Littering irritates everyone. It destroys the beauty of nature and our surrounding. People are sometimes too lazy to dump their rubbish in a bin and just throws them anywhere, making the area look dirty.

Read this lesson on an unusual punishment for littering.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of Thailand’s litter policy?
  2. What are the rules or laws on littering in your country?
  3. Should people pay a fine or go to prison for littering? Why or why not?
  4. What does littering say about someone’s character?
  5. Should we pick up other people’s litter? Why or why not?
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2 replies on “Thai Parks Mail Litter Back to Tourists”

Thailand’s litter policy is fair. Littering shows little respect for our environment. Nowadays, in developed countries there are plenty of places to deposit the wastes, so there is no any excuse to avoid doing it.

I don’t know the littering laws in my country but I’m sure that it’s not so aggressive like Thailand’s rules. However, I must recognise that we are more responsible in litterring terms than years ago, so maybe it’s not necessary impose severios restrictions due to the society is conscious of the importance of treating the wastes.

Great work expressing your thoughts on this matter.

Kindly see the following corrections to better your writing:

Littering shows little respect for our environment.

Littering is an action that shows little respect for our environment.

Nowadays, in developed countries there are plenty of places to deposit the wastes, so there is no any excuse to avoid doing it.

Nowadays, in developed countries, there are plenty of places where you can dispose of wastes. So there is no excuse for not doing it properly.

Keep it up.

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