The World’s First Solar-Powered Airport

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun’s energy and make it useable. Many are familiar with so-called photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, found on things like spacecraft, rooftops, and handheld calculators. The cells are made of semiconductor materials like those found in computer chips. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from their atoms. As the electrons flow through the cell, they generate electricity.

Let’s find out how an airport from India became the world’s first solar-powered airport.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What comes into mind when you hear the term ‘solar energy’?
  2. Are you interested in solar energy?
  3. What are the pros and cons of solar energy?
  4. Do you think buying solar panels for your home is a good investment?
  5. Do you think solar energy could solve the global warming problem?
  6. How can you save some energy in your everyday life?
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