Early Humans May Have Hibernated in Winter

B1 – Intermediate

When winter blows, we like to wrap ourselves with our warm blankets and keep cozy and warm inside our homes. Winter weight is also a common thing to some people. Winter is the time when some people eat more and move less. We haven’t really give much thought on it but does this behavior date back in time?

Scientists say some pieces of evidence show that early humans may have hibernated to escape the harsh winters thousands of years ago.

Click the link and read the article to learn more.


Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the discovery?
  2. According to the article, what health risks come with hibernation on humans?
  3. Do you enjoy the winter season?
  4. Do you stay active during the winter?
  5. What are the things you like and hate about winter?
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2 replies on “Early Humans May Have Hibernated in Winter”

1. How do you feel about the discovery?
A bit surprised. I didn’t know that early humans hibernated similarly to bears.

2. According to the article, what health risks come with hibernation on humans?
Their bones turned weaker because of the absence of vitamin D taken from the sun.

3. Do you enjoy winter?
Not really much. I prefer spring or even summer where I can go out to another place with a perfect weather.

4. Do you stay active during the winter?
I used to stay active because of the work and kids. Both of them keep me really active during the winter.

5. What are the things you like and hate about winter?
I really when it’s raining, and you can’t go to do a walk around the city or going to the mountains because of the bad weather. However, it’s a good feeling when you’re inside home seeing the rain.

Your efforts are very much appreciated. Take a look at how these few sentences can be written a bit better.

1. I didn’t know that early humans hibernated similarly to bears.
2. Not really much.
3. I used to stay active because of the work and kids.

1. I didn’t know that early humans hibernated similar to bears.

2. Not much really.

3. I am usually active because of the work and my kids.

See you in your next entry!

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