Cure for Baldness

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Hair is considered as a person’s crowning glory. Some even spend loads of money in the salon for it. However, millions of people around the world are balding or losing their hair. There are different ways to hide bald spots, but the closest one you could get to natural hair would cost you a hefty amount of money.

Scientists are now developing a way to cure baldness that could replicate natural hair growth.

Click the link and read the article to learn more about this up-and-coming baldness cure.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about this recent breakthrough baldness cure?
  2. Why do you think hair is considered as a person’s “crowning glory”?
  3. How important is hair to you? Would you consider spending $50,000 for a hair implant?
  4. How often do you go to the salon/barbershop to pamper your hair?
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