People Have No Money to Boil Potatoes

B1 – Intermediate

The war between Russia and Ukraine has substantially affected everyone around the world. The cost of living in United Kingdom has increased so much since the oil and gas prices have increased.

They now have this dilemma of “heating or eating”, parents have to choose between heating up and feeding their children. The basic necessity prices of food, heating, and transport have become quite unreasonable that even boiling potatoes is now a problem for some people.

Let’s read the article below to learn more about the worsening cost of living in the UK.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has the war between Russia and Ukraine affect other countries?
  2. What do you think will happen if this war continues?
  3. Has this war affected you and your country in some way? Explain how.
  4. Talk about your own lifestyle and the cost of living in the city you live in.
  5. How can we prevent poverty? Can the government help?
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2 replies on “People Have No Money to Boil Potatoes”

1. Ukraine was the “wheat farm” of Europe, but because of the war, Europe and related countries are suffering for wheat shortage. This means that the price of wheat and derivates is increasing. Also, gas and oil prices are increasing, because Russia was the main provider for Europe, however, countries are stopping to buy gas to them.
2. I don’t really know, prices may continue arising but I think that countries are acting to react (by improving energy generation for example). Apart from that, a war escalation is also possible with more countries involved.
3. We are having the same problems here in Spain, as in the UK.
4. I am very careful with expenses, so maybe I am thrifty.
5. By activating employment and country production lines. We can invest in energy generation to be self-sufficient. This can be also applicable to agriculture.

It’s great that you keep on practicing your writing skills. Carry on with this exercise.

Here is a better word choice for this sentence:

Ukraine was the “wheat farm” of Europe, but because of the war, Europe and related countries are suffering for wheat shortage.

Ukraine was the “wheat farm” of Europe, but because of the war, Europe and other affected countries are suffering from wheat shortage.

Until your next entry!

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