Home Repairs

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We all want to live in a comfortable home. It could be the whole apartment to yourself or a shared one. That is why people who are looking for a house to live in have many factors to consider before deciding to move in. As for shared apartment, because of the limited space, people want it to be at least a clean and habitable one with no damage and with the apartment essentials.

Let’s listen to the audio and know more about Dave’s apartment and his search for a new housemate.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is Dave looking for a roommate? What are the problems in Dave’s house?
  2. If you were Randall, would you move in with Dave given all the problems he has in his house?
  3. What home repairs have you done before? What one thing would you change about the place where you live now?
  4. Is it better to know how to do home repairs or to just hire someone to do it for you? Explain your stand.
  5. In your neighborhood, which home repairs require a permit? Which ones do not?
  6. Have you ever lived with a roommate/roommates? What do you think about living with other people you don’t necessarily know?

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