Turn Off Lights in Heat Wave

B1 – Intermediate

Tokyo experienced its all-time high temperature last week. Because of too much heat, everyone wants to use their air conditioner. In this case, producing electricity is very difficult. So the government asked the people to try to conserve electricity as much as possible.

Read the article about energy-saving measures during a heat wave in Tokyo, Japan.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What measures are implemented in your city/country during a heat wave in order to save energy?
  2. Would you mind turning your lights off from for a few hours during the day to save energy?
  3. Do you try and use less electricity during summer? Why or why not?
  4. What is your reaction when your city/country has the highest record temperature?
  5. Do you have power outages in your city during summer? If you do, what do you do during power cuts?
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