Electricity in All Villages

B1 – Intermediate

Electricity is a basic necessity. But not all places in the world have it. In some remote communities, people still have to live in the dark.

Read on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proud announcement that every Indian village now has electricity.


Discussion Questions:

1. What are your thoughts on this news? How are Indians’ lives going to be changed?
2. What do you think it would be like to live without electricity?
3. If there was a power outage in your village/city for a day/a week, what would you do?
4. Are there still areas in your country without proper electricity or other services available?
5. If there’s one service (electricity, water, telephone, internet, cable TV, mobile, gas) you can live without, which one would it be?

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One reply on “Electricity in All Villages”

1) Electricity is very important today. The indians are living the situation like a change forever.
2) It is impossible to live without electricity today. The electricity form part of our lives and we use this one for everytrhing. Everything works with electricity, and with the new cars (electric cars and hibryd cars) and the new devices (tablets, phones, etc …) still more.
3) I woud use candles and torch (by nigth) and this situation keep for longtime, Ill buy a electricity generator with diesel. Electricity is civilization, and when sometimes the electricity was gone for days the citys can have riots and problems (New Orleans five years ago or the nightly shutdow in New York in the 70´s)
4) Not in Spain. Spain, like Uk, Portugal, France are the first world so the electricity is in everything.
5) Telephone, because a lot of things can be replaced with internet. You can use internet for calling another people, you can use internet to wathc tv, and another things.

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