Food in Britain: The Borough Market

B1 – Intermediate

Whether you dabble in cooking and culinary arts or just love to eat, food really brings people together. And, in the Borough Market, you’ll see different kinds of people with different tastes.

Watch the video then feel free to answer the quiz on the right side of the video. Be prepared to have a speaking activity.

Discussion Questions:

1. What were some of the dishes in the video that you would like to have?
2. Have you been to the Borough Market? Have you visited a similar market?
3. Would you like to try a full English Breakfast?
4. Describe your favourite dish.
5. What are some cuisines that you haven’t tried but are interested in trying?

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2 replies on “Food in Britain: The Borough Market”

1. What were some of the dishes in the video that you would like to have?
I love full english breakfast
2. Have you been to the Borough Market? Have you visited a similar market?
Yes, i did. I don’t remember any other similar market.
3. Would you like to try a full English Breakfast?
I already try it, and i love it.
4. Describe your favourite dish.
I’m valencian, so my favourite dish is a paella.
5. What are some cuisines that you haven’t tried but are interested in trying?
I want to try ethiopean food.

Nice work trying to answer your lesson’s discussion questions. Remember to try to elaborate your answers as much as possible.

Yes, i did. I don’t remember any other similar market.

Yes, I have been to the Borough Market. I don’t remember any other market that is similar to it.

After these sentences, you could have said something about what makes Borough Market different.

Practice can definitely make your skills improve more.

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