Factors Driving High Employee Engagement

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employee engagement shows how enthusiastic and dedicated your staff feels toward what they do. It is an essential factor to a company’s success as it is connected to how satisfied and high the team morale is. Some advantages to having engaged employees are better performance and increased productivity.

Read the article about factors that drive employee engagement.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “engagement” in this context, “Teams with higher engagement are less likely to leave their organization.“? Use it in a sentence.
  2. Explain the phrase “record high” in the sentence, “Engagement levels reached a record high in 2019.”. Use it in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the idiom “pie-in-the-sky“, “What would the world of work look like if organizations could double the percentage of engaged workers? This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky question — all evidence suggests it is possible.“? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the factors that drive high employee engagement.
  2. How can companies retain high employee engagement? How does your company?
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Changes in employee engagement are best attributed to changes in how organizations develop employees.“.
  4. What are the impact of high engagement among employees?
  5. Personally, how do you keep the level of enthusiasm and dedication you feel toward your job high?
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2 replies on “Factors Driving High Employee Engagement”

1. What is the meaning of the word “nomad”? Use it in a sentence.
Nomad is a person who move from one place to another and doesn´t live or work at the same place all time.
2. Explain the word “nuance” and use it in a sentence.
The meaning of nuance it would be differents form to see or undestand something like an opinion or a color. For example, “there are some nuances which need discuss and to resolve”
3. What is the meaning of the word “engagement” here?
In my opinión, the meaning of the word engagement here is those people who are involved and commited with their jobs and have enthusiastic.
1. Why do some people have an idealistic image of the remote work lifestyle?
Front my point of view, People believe that remote work always allow people the option to manage their work hours in accordance with their lifestyle and their familiar schedules, but is not always a reality.
2. What tasks do you have to plough through in your job? Do you find them draining?

3. What could be a solution to these challenges of hybrid work?
First of all, I believe that a solution for not office small talk it would be for example allow employees have Skype or other comunication or talk apps in order to stay in touch with their collegues and workmates.
After that, about the absence of team bonding and team building, the leader of each team should guide members of the team in order to achieve the goals as a group, don´t alow them work always alone.
Finally, as far as I concerned, about the misalignment of working arrangements among employees, I think that it would be necessary that people will work the same days at the office in order to working togheter and find a good balance between work at home and at the office.

Good to see you put in a lot of efforts in exercising your writing skills.

See how this sentence can be improved a bit with some minor revisions:

Nomad is a person who move from one place to another and doesn´t live or work at the same place all time.

A nomad is a person who moves from one place to another and doesn´t live nor work in the same place at all times.

Go on practicing your writing through this platform.

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