Dirty UK Waters

B1 – Intermediate

In order to stop sewage pollution, several organizations such as Surfers Against Sewage continue to work to ensure the continuous improvement in the water quality in the UK.

However, water companies and big firms are not doing their part to keep the water in the UK clean. As a result, protests against sewage pollution have been held in different parts of the UK.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about protests to end sewage pollution in the UK.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain the definition of the word “sewage”. “Sewage pollution has a bad impact on rivers, seas, and people, too.”. Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “discharge” mean? “The goal is to stop sewage discharge into bathing waters and reduce sewage discharges by 90% by 2030.” Give 1-2 synonym/s of ‘discharge’ and use the word in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to put money into something” mean? “The problem is that companies don’t want to put money into modern technologies, and also, the current water quality testing system is not good enough.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this: “The problem is that companies don’t want to put money into modern technologies…”?
  2. What are some effects of sewage pollution?
  3. How can we prevent sewage pollution?
  4. Is sewage pollution also a problem in your country? Talk about it.
  5. Talk about anything you know about sewage management.
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