The Story of Rose Island

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The concept of an independent state has been a subject of great disputes among nations throughout history. The question arises: can a state truly manage itself without external interference? While some argue that independence leads to self-sufficiency and prosperity, others believe that it can result in chaos and instability.

Dreams and goals are the driving forces behind human progress. They provide us with a sense of purpose, motivation, and direction in life. Dreams are the visions we have for our future, while goals are the specific targets we set to achieve those dreams.

Dreams can take various forms – they may be personal, professional, or even societal. They represent our deepest desires and aspirations. Dreams give us hope and inspire us to work towards something greater than ourselves. They fuel our imagination and push us to think beyond the boundaries of what is currently possible.

Discover the rise and fall of Italian engineer Giorgio Rosa’s own sovereign state the Rose Island. In addition, watch the film when you have the chance.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “tumultuous” mean? “Let’s not forget that 1968 was a year of tumultuous political protests, with young people rebelling against the establishment, and in such a scenario, Rose Island represented the ultimate act of freedom.” Give 2 synonyms and use ‘tumultuous’ in a sentence.
  2. What does “know-how” mean? “Let’s face it, building such a platform in the middle of the open sea was pretty complicated and required a great deal of technical know-how.” Give 2 synonyms and use ‘know-how’ in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the idiom “hit the headlines”? “In the 1960s, the Riviera Romagnola was one of Europe’s most popular holiday destinations and when the island officially opened to the public, it quickly hit the headlines as the hottest tourist attraction in town.”. Use the expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the 4 lessons we could all learn from “The Incredible Story of Rose Island.
  2. What are your thoughts about Mr. Rosa’s micronation?
  3. What is your opinion on one individual creating his own little country? What might the pros and cons be?
  4. What do you think about the Italian government declaring war against and destroying Rose Island?
  5. Do you agree with the UN’s decision “to move the border of territorial waters from 6 to 11 nautical miles away from the coast of the state in order to prevent similar cases from happening again”? Explain your point.
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4 replies on “The Story of Rose Island”

Do you hear the phrase “there are two kind of people; the dreamers and the realist persons”? From my point of view, Mr. Rosa was an enormous dreamer and he had so energy and perseverance that he could be successful his dream.
But, to be honest, I think it was a crazy idea. The reason is because if everyone would desire an 8ndependent country for his/herself there are no world organization. What I mean is we have to respect some limits in our lifes, the sense of freedom is not complete. Our freedom has limits and the Mr. ROSE’S concept of freedom is demagogic. He was so smart to find a legal gap to make a new country and I think it is a good example to explain how important is our self -confidence to become successful and to achieve our challenges. But, it really cannot be real. The world can’t afford millions of tiny countries without legality. By the way, these kind of countries could pollute to much or to make some other bad things for the environment or the world in general. The society has to tend to row together and it is important to leave individual behaviors . The future will be better if the whole world see to the same direction.

You shared some interesting insights about this matter. Good work.

Have a look at how you can revise the following sentences:

The society has to tend to row together and it is important to leave individual behaviors . The future will be better if the whole world see to the same direction.

The society has to tends to work together and it is important to leave individualistic behaviors. The future would be better if the whole world looked at the same direction.

Continue to practice so you can express your ideas better in writing.

1. The first lesson which the article talks about is that we should never give up on our dreams no matter how difficult they can seem to achieve them. The next one tells us about the importance of the knowledge to get our goals in life. The third lesson consists of thinking differently because it is another way to get success in life. Finally, the article encourages us to stand up for what we believe in even though the rest of people try to let us down.
2. It seems to me that Mr. Rosa was very brave, not only for his crazy idea for creating a new micronation but also because he had to fight against the Italian government.
3. If anyone decided to create their own country, the situation would become chaotic, since each one would impose their own laws and rules. There would be even more wars than there are already today.
4. I think that the Italian government exaggerated their decision declaring war against a micronation which it is likely that they did not dispose the same munition and security forces.
5. I understand the decision since if everyone tried to create a micronation in each island they find near the country, they would be surrounded by different mini countries which provoked disputes.

Job well done writing your responses to your lesson’s discussion questions.

Take a look at how you can write this sentence better:

If anyone decided to create their own country, the situation would become chaotic, since each one would impose their own laws and rules.

If anyone could just decide to create their own country, the situation would become chaotic, since everyone would impose their own laws and rules.

Keep going with your writing practice.

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