Relationship Marketing

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In relationship marketing, businesses aim to build long-term relationships with customers. Rather than rushing to sell things, they focus on building solid connections. They work with the marketing team, using tools like databases to understand what customers enjoy.

Trust is important in the process. If customers don’t trust the company, things get tricky. So, relationship marketing is like playing the long game, collaborating, and using smart tools to keep everyone smiling.

Check out the article below to know about relationship marketing.

Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the term “message differentiation” mean in the sentence, “And rather than just selling, the sales department works with marketing to use techniques like database marketing, message differentiation to different target markets, and tracking of promotional effects to improve the relationship.”? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the word “flagging” mean in the sentence, “AT&T builds databases of customers with similar profiles, flagging those with the most potential for up-selling.“? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “converted leads” mean in the sentence “The number of qualified and converted leads generated from a medium will be less important.”? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever experienced a situation where a business went the extra mile to make you feel valued as a long-term customer? Talk about it.
  2. In your understanding, how are leads generated to sustain long-term connections with customers?
  3. What benefits do businesses derive from adopting a relationship marketing approach?
  4. What do you think businesses might lose if they ignore relationship marketing?
  5. How do you think relationship marketing will change in the future?
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