The Rwandan Genocide

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In 1994, around 800,000 people were wiped out in 100 days in Rwanda. The genocide was triggered by the rocket attack on the plane carrying the then President Juvenal Habyarimana which led to his death.

Let’s watch the video and know more about the series of events that led to the Rwandan genocide.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define the verb “engulf“. “Neighbor turned against neighbor as violence engulfed the region.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. What does “on good terms” mean, “Many Hutus and Tutsi civilians were on good terms, but colonial powers encouraged political division.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. What does “self-preservation” mean? “Over one million Hutu civilians joined their ranks due to coercion, self-preservation, or the pursuit of personal agendas.” Use it in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your insights on this, ““Many Hutus and Tutsi civilians were on good terms, but colonial powers encouraged political division.”.
  2. What is the concept of gacaca? How does this system work and what are your thoughts on this?
  3. Do you agree or disagree that “These verdicts helped restore the dignity of those lost in the violence.“? Share your opinion.
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2 replies on “The Rwandan Genocide”

Discussion Questions:

1. Share your insights on this, ““Many Hutus and Tutsi civilians were on good terms, but colonial powers encouraged political division.”.
The colonial powers of Rwanda at that time, far for trying to join the country preferred to create more differences between the existing ethic population: Tutsi, Hutus and Twa communities.
But, for me the main question maybe is other very different: Was in this case (Rwanda), like in almost all over the Africa, an artificial country created by the colonial powers? As a result of that, the problem emerges?

2. What is the concept of gacaca? How does this system work and what are your thoughts on this?
Gacaca, according to the video was the old system of justice of the country. I think it would be a good idea, if it was a fair system, but if the judges of Gacaca are the winners of the war, in this case the Tutsis, far from being a solution is a long-term problem because it was unfair, and will create more hatred and resentment in the country and the problem will raise again sooner or later.
3. Do you agree or disagree that “These verdicts helped restore the dignity of those lost in the violence.“? Share your opinion.
I hope so, all the victims need justice. It may help, but it was a terrible genocide and a lot of people were killed. For those who lost their love ones it is difficult to forget and forgiven, it is an irreparable pain for ever.

It is great to hear your insights on this very sensitive matter.

Here is a sentence you can still revise slightly:

For those who lost their love ones it is difficult to forget and forgiven, it is an irreparable pain for ever.

For those who lost their loved ones, it is difficult to forgive and forget and forgiven, as it is just an irreparable unbearable pain that they’ll carry with them forever.

Keep working on improving your skills. You can definitely do it!

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