Using Savings to Start an Amazon Side Hustle

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In today’s fast-paced and competitive world, many individuals find themselves contemplating whether to continue on their current path or pursue a side hustle that shows potential for success. While the decision to leave behind stability and venture into the unknown can be daunting, it is important to carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks before taking such a leap.

One common thread among various definitions of success is the idea of accomplishment. Success often implies reaching a desired outcome or fulfilling one’s aspirations. However, it is important to recognize that success is not solely measured by external achievements but also by internal satisfaction and fulfillment.

See how a 17-year-old turned her $2,000 savings into a side hustle that is now bringing her more than $30,000 a month.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “to mock up” mean here,  “After a year of mocking up prototypes, Lin got distracted by a different idea: She wanted to sell athleisure for girls at a lower price point than large, trendy brands.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “to fizzle out” mean,  “It was one of a few signs that TLeggings was fizzling out: Despite the lofty revenue numbers, the company was never profitable, and Lin struggled to keep up with her competitors.”?  Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “to reek of something” mean in the sentence, “They are difficult to clean, Lin says, and often reek of excrement.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on Bella Lin’s business journey?
  2. What do you think about her products?
  3. What are your thoughts on having a side hustle?
  4. She’s also considering taking a gap year after graduating high school.” If you were Bella Lin, would you also temporarily halt your education to run and expand your business? Why or why wouldn’t you?
  5. Have you ever had to make a significant decision on your professional path? Tell me the details of what happened.
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11 replies on “Using Savings to Start an Amazon Side Hustle”

1. What are your thoughts on Bella Lin’s business journey?

I think Lin was very lucky. Many people take a chance on something and don’t have the same luck. Additionally, Lin knew people who could help her. Not everyone has connections that can boost their business.

2. What do you think about her products?

Selling high-quality products at a good price is always appealing. Buyers are looking for good and affordable products. Although I haven’t bought her product, the reviews indicate that Lin’s products are good.

3. What are your thoughts on having a side hustle?

I think I would only have another job or side hustle if it were absolutely necessary. In my opinion, having two jobs or a side hustle would take time away from other important aspects of life (sports, social relationships, leisure, etc.).

4. If you were Bella Lin, would you also temporarily halt your education to run and expand your business? Why or why wouldn’t you?

If I believed in the business and thought that what I was doing was right, I might also decide to dedicate myself exclusively to the business.

5. Have you ever had to make a significant decision on your professional path?

Yes, I have made decisions in my professional path. While I haven’t had to decide whether to continue or not, I have made decisions about changing workplaces. Although it wasn’t easy, making decisions is an important part of our learning process.

Good to hear your thoughts on this topic. Well done writing your answers here.

Here is a sentence you can revise:

In my opinion, having two jobs or a side hustle would take time away from other important aspects of life (sports, social relationships, leisure, etc.).

In my opinion, having two jobs or a side hustle would take time away from other important aspects of life such as sports, social relationships, leisure, etc.

Keep up the good job!

Discussion Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on Bella Lin’s business journey?
In my opinion, it is too risky to engage in a new business (mostly by her age) from the beginning because if she does not have previous context about how to manage it, the probability of fizzling out could be higher. However, I admire the capacity of Bella to want to develop different types of business (cages for guinea pigs and leggings) and combine it with the studies.
2. What do you think about her products?
From my point of view, it is an excellent idea to introduce the production of new materials to improve what there are at present concerning cages for guinea pigs, for example. On the other hand, I consider that selling leggings for a lower price is tricky in these moments because it is not a revolutionary business as many companies produce them like bargains.
3. What are your thoughts on having a side hustle?
From my experience, one of the most important things to endure a side hustle is the time. To have time to pursue it is necessary if somebody wants to perform his/her jobs with good outcomes, as otherwise some of the business could be unattended and drawbacks would face the businessman/businesswoman.
Furthermore, if the person has a budget to invest in it and enough resources to handle the business, I consider that a side hustle is a good way to earn much money.
Last but not least, it is important to know conciliate the person and the professional life. Not for having a side hustle, it is possible to ignore the family and live only for work.
4. “She’s also considering taking a gap year after graduating high school.” If you were Bella Lin, would you also temporarily halt your education to run and expand your business? Why or why wouldn’t you?
I would halt my education only if that business is my passion and all my life I have thought about pursue it. Otherwise, I would prefer finish my studies because I think that my yield could be better in the younger step and I like to finish everything I start in the shortest time possible. Definitely, I do not to have opened several fronts.
5. Have you ever had to make a significant decision on your professional path? Tell me the details of what happened.
Yes, I have. For example, at my previous job, the boss told me about a salary increase with the condition of having new responsibilities. Although, it could have been a good opportunity to grow up professionally, as that job was not my ideal I considered that the most intelligent solution was to stop working there, and to find out another offer with which I felt more identified in terms of work tastes.

Impressive job writing down your responses to your lesson’s discussion questions. Keep up the nice work!

See how you can revise this sentence:

However, I admire the capacity of Bella to want to develop different types of business (cages for guinea pigs and leggings) and combine it with the studies.

However, I admire the capacity of Bella to want to develop different types of businesses such as cages for guinea pigs and leggings and combine running her enterprise with her studies.

Looking forward to reading more from you!

To mock up: To develop prototypes. I usually mock up new computer applications related to command and post services.
To fizzle out: to loose force. With this good weather, playing video games is fizzling out and people prefer going outside.
To reek of something: bad smell. I prefer going by car than use undergorund because it reeks of human sweat.

1. It is very difficult to have an idea that does not exist in the current market but if you are in this situation you should bet for your own dreams.
2. I dont have this kind of animals and I do not know them, however I think that it could be innovative and it use current tendencys like biodegradable materials.
3. To need a hide hustle means that you work is not enough for you. It might be that you need more money or more challenges.
4. It is easier to end firstly your studies because you can be sure that your studies help you to find job, however to try to come up with an idea it is more difiicult and it is not ensure success.
5. I prefer continue in my current company than change my actual work. In the new position I earn more money but I take my decision for otrher reasons

Mocking up: To develop prototypes. I usually mocking up computer applications related to Command and Post services.
Fizzle out: To loose force. Nowadays, with this good weather, playing video games is fizzling out and people prefer going outside.
To reek of something: Bad smell. I prefer going to work by car, because public transport usually reek of human sweat.

1. It is good idea. I think that nowaydays, it is diffiicult to have an idea that it does not exist currently in the market, but if you think of something innovative, you can earn a lot of money.
2. I do not have this kind of animals and I don´t know which can be better for them, but I think that the use of biodegradable materials is somwhing in the public eye in our world.
3.I think that to have a side hustle means that your real work is not enough for you. It could be because you need more activity, you need more money or something like that. Otherwise, with one single work is enough to live and enjoy with your free time.
4. I think that it is easier to end your education and after continue with other things. Overall, you can be sure that everything you learn in the university could be useful to find new job, however you cannot be sure that your new ideas can build new business. Bet for your own dreams and your own ideas should be great, but you need to be enough courageous.
5. I dont change my work in spite of earning more money in the new option yhat I have had.

Good work continuing with your writing practice.

See how to improve this sentence:

I dont change my work in spite of earning more money in the new option yhat I have had.

I didn’t change my work in spite of the possibility of earning more money in other options that I have had.

Enjoy writing!

I think that Bella Lin is lucky because she found a good business so young! She had a very good idea building a nice cages and she knew develop her ideas.
On the other hand, I think she can effort taking some time until finish her studies, by the way, she can take advantatge of this time to concentrate in her business. If she keep her feet on the floor, she will have successfully future.

Well done continuing with your writing practice.

See how you can improve this sentence:

She had a very good idea building a nice cages and she knew develop her ideas.

She had a very good idea building a nice cages and she knew how to develop her ideas.

Keep going with this exercise to improve your skills further.

1. to simulate or create a model. they are going to show their mock ups.
2. to dissapear. Blockbuster was slowly fizzling out in earlies ’10.
3. something that smells bad. one of the worst thing of work here is the reek of dead


1. It is important to fail in order to better understand how to achieve success. that girl will probably end up with a million-dollar company.
2. I think they have a lot of potential, especially the gineapig cage. the leggings market I think is oversaturated, but if the product is great, they could probably sell it.
3. It depends on each person, in my case with my job it is impossible, but if you have several businesses, you have more chances of success.
4. No, I think it is important to be well educated to succeed in business, and she could probably have some help from her family in the time that she needs to finish her studies.
5. none very relevant, just changing companies, and they are usually easy decisions.

You did your best in writing your thoughts about this topic.

Here is how you can revise this sentence to improve it:

No, I think it is important to be well educated to succeed in business, and she could probably have some help from her family in the time that she needs to finish her studies.

No, I think it is important to be well-educated to succeed in business. Moreover, she could probably had some help from her family during the time that she needed to finish her studies.

Continue with your writing practice to progress more and more.

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