The End of Hustle Culture

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Hustle culture has been quite popular among the working class. However, some believe that this long-glorified culture may be coming to an end. This kind of culture has a huge impact on people’s work-life balance and mental well-being. As the world becomes more competitive, the pressure to constantly hustle intensifies.

Read this article to learn more about hustle culture.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “go-getter“? “…this is the way go-getters get what they want.” Use this in a sentence.
  2. What does “fair shot” mean? “Everyone has a fair shot at success.” Make a sentence with this phrase.
  3. Define “coupled with“. “And because that time was coupled with the stress of financial uncertainty, experts say some people came to find hustle culture more exhausting than empowering.” Use this phrase in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on hustle culture?
  2. How does hustle culture impact work-life balance and individuals’ well-being?
  3. Have you ever experienced burnout or exhaustion due to adopting a “rise and grind” mentality?
  4. How do you prioritize work-life balance while still striving for success in your career?
  5. Have you ever felt pressure to conform to hustle culture from your peers or workplace?
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2 replies on “The End of Hustle Culture”

Discussion Questions:
1. What are your thoughts on hustle culture?
Well, I think some principles are goods but not all of them, for example, I think to work hard is important in order to achieve your goals but always trying to balance your work and personal life. It’s very important to focus also in your mental and physical health.

2. How does hustle culture impact work-life balance and individuals’ well-being?
I think in a bad way, of course, thinking that you can achieve everything by working 7 days/24 hours, is wrong and will compromise your health for sure.

3. Have you ever experienced burnout or exhaustion due to adopting a “rise and grind” mentality?
Yes, of course, in our job years ago the hustle culture was ingrained in all over the company, so everybody tried to adapt to this culture and everything was planning according to these principles. The consequences were long hours working, a lot of stress and demotivation people.

4. How do you prioritize work-life balance while still striving for success in your career?

It’s a difficult balance, but you should try to be more efficient, more focus in your job while you are working, and doing it only in the workday no extra hours, no week-end job.

5. Have you ever felt pressure to conform to hustle culture from your peers or workplace?
Yes of course, after covid-19 pandemic everything have change for the better, but before you felt pressure, a lot, because of this mindset…

Great work continuing with your writing practice. Good job writing your answers.

See how you can improve this one:

Yes of course, after covid-19 pandemic everything have change for the better, but before you felt pressure, a lot, because of this mindset…

Yes, of course. After the COVID-19 pandemic, everything has changed for the better. However, before that, you felt a lot of pressure, a lot, because of this mindset.

Keep going with this exercise.

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