Rare Condition that Makes Faces Appear Demonic

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We can tell a lot by looking at a person’s face. You can easily identify their emotions simply by looking at them.

However, there are people whose perception of other people’s faces aren’t exactly accurate.

Let’s watch the video and know more about the demon face syndrome.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain the expression “to see the world through someone’s eyes“. “Thanks to one patient’s pioneering work with researches at Dartmouth College, we now have an interesting insight into what it’s like to see the world through his eyes.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of the word “distortion“? “He wouldn’t see distortions to faces on screen.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the verb “depict” mean? “That visualization also depicts a face.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the visual disorder PMO all about? Explain in your own words.
  2. What were your thoughts upon knowing about this condition?
  3. What do you imagine are the struggles of people with PMO?
  4. What other rare neurological conditions have you heard of? Talk about them.
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