Rome’s New Metro Line

B1 – Intermediate 

Rome’s Metro C line has been in progress for almost 20 years and has now finally reached an important phase in its construction.  When completed, Metro C will connect the Vatican and improve Rome’s public transportation system. 

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about Rome’s new metro line.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “flagship”? “The flagship station at Piazza Venezia has an 85-meter-deep wall and will be completed by 2034.” Make your own sentence with this word.
  2. What does “funding delay” mean? “The Metro C line has been in progress for two decades because of bureaucratic and funding delays.”  Make your own sentence with this phrase.
  3. What does “ruins” mean in this context, “The main obstacle is the underground ruins of Imperial Roman and Medieval civilizations that require extensive archaeological work.”? Make your own sentence with this word.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In your own words, talk about the new metro line in Rome. State as much details as possible.
  2. What are the reasons it has taken two decades to complete this project?
  3. What might be pros and cons having this new metro line in Rome?
  4. Do you think this metro line is necessary? State your opinion.
  5. How can public transport be improved in your city/country?
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