Remove Equestrian Sports from the Olympics

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Equestrian sports have been in the Olympics for over a hundred years, highlighting the bond between the rider and their horse.

More recently, there has been a debate on whether these events should stay in the Games, with concerns about horse welfare, accessibility, and how well they fit with current Olympic values.

Read this article to know about the case for the removal of equestrian sports from the Olympics.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom “to go out of the window” mean? ““We know that whenever animals are treated as commodities and exploited for human gain, their best interests go out of the window,” says White.” Give a synonym and make a sentence with this expression.
  2. What is an “outcry”? “Having been hailed as the “golden girl” of dressage and widely tipped for a damehood, Dujardin has been banned from the Paris Olympic Games amid public outcry and a pending investigation by the sport’s governing body.” Give one (1) synonym or similar expression and use ‘outcry’ in your own sentence.
  3. Define “to put one’s foot down”. “We are trying to do everything we can to find out about unethical behaviour and put our foot down wherever it happens.” Give a similar expression and create a sentence using this idiom.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on removing equestrian sports from the Olympics?
  2. Have you ever watched equestrian sports in the Olympics? If so, what was your impression of them?
  3. How do you think the inclusion of equestrian sports in the Olympics reflects or challenges our views on animal welfare?
  4. Are equestrian sports popular in your country? What other sports do you think might harm animals?
  5. What’s your opinion on the statement, “Whenever there’s a lot of money or glory involved, people may exploit animals to make them perform a certain way.”?
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