South Koreans Flock to Blue-Collar Jobs

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In recent years, South Korea has witnessed a notable shift in employment trends, with a growing number of young people opting for blue-collar jobs.

This trend challenges traditional views that prioritize white-collar careers as the path to success. Factors such as economic instability, high youth unemployment, and the rising cost of higher education are driving this change. Additionally, blue-collar jobs often offer stable employment, decent wages, and opportunities for skill development.

Watch the video to know the reasons behind this emerging trend and its implications for South Korean society and the economy.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What doe s the phrase “to be in full swing” mean? “More renovations are in full swing at this apartment.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the expression “has seen better days” mean? “Those taking the civil servant exams would normally flock to these food stalls for a cheap bite but with fewer people taking the test, the street has seen better days.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to pay off” mean? “Even though it is exhausting, the work is paying off as his current income is double his former salary.” Make a sentence using the expression.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this work trend?
  2. What economic conditions in South Korea might be contributing to the rise in young people seeking blue-collar jobs? How do these conditions compare your country?
  3. How has the saturation of certain job markets, such as those requiring higher education, affected the trend of young people moving towards blue-collar jobs?
  4. How are technological advancements in blue-collar industries making these jobs more attractive to the younger generation?
  5. How do the work-life balance and job security of blue-collar jobs compare to white-collar jobs in South Korea? How about in your country?
  6. How might these factors influence career choices?
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